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. 2021 Nov 19;6(11):1040–1051. doi: 10.1302/2058-5241.6.210030

Table 1.

Summary of included studies

Author, year Patients/hips (n) Age (mean) M/F
Body mass index (mean) Follow-up (years) Design MINORS
Arabmotlag, 200352 15/15 48 7/8 2 CTX 17/22
Boller, 201950 39/39 51 13/26 28 2 Metha 12/16
28/28 66 16/12 27 2 Metha
Brinkmann, 201541 24/24 59 12/12 27 1 Metha 16/22
26/26 60 16/10 27 Nanos
Ercan, 201642 62/62 57 28/34 29 1 Minihip 10/16
Fokter, 201524 19/19 60 8/11 28 1 Unibionix 16/22
Freitag, 201633 57/57 57 36/21 30 1 Fitmore 19/22
Gasbarra, 201434 33/33 62 15/18 24 1 Fitmore 16/22
Hayashi, 201670 21/21 68 11/56 23 2 Trilock 12/16
Jahnke, 201443 40/40 55 20/20 27 1 Metha 13/16
Kim, 201125 50/60 54 22/28 26 3 Proxima 16/22
50/60 52 24/26 25 Profile
Kim, 201626 201/221 53 118/83 30 10 Proxima 19/22
400/530 53 264/136 29 IPS
Kim, 201636 200/200 53 138/62 30 12 Proxima 19/22
200/200 53 138/62 30 Profile
Leali, 200427 10/10 65 4/6 3 Revelation 10/16
Lerch, 201244 25/25 59 16/9 25 2 Metha 13/16
Meyer, 201932* 54/54 5 Fitmore
Nysted, 201151 43/43 55 18/28 5 Unique 16/22
35/35 53 13/28 ABG-I
Panisello, 200937 56/56 60 27/29 28 5 ABG-I 19/22
54/54 59 26/28 27 ABG-II
Parchi, 201749 20/20 54 11/9 4 Metha 12/16
Rahmy, 200438 24/24 62 11/18 28 3 ABG-I 18/22
Salemyr, 201531 26/26 62 11/15 27 4 Proxima 21/22
Shafy, 201645 26/26 43 20/6 27 2 Minihip 12/16
Sluimer, 200628 40/40 53 15/25 2 Omnifit-HA 1090 18/22
Steens, 201546 20/20 49 12/8 26 5 ESKA cut 2000 14/16
Synder, 201547 36/36 50 18/18 1 Metha 12/16
Vd Wal, 200640 25/25 62 17/8 2 ABG-I 16/22
26/26 60 12/14 2 ABG-II
Vd Wal, 200839 24/24 60 11/13 2 ABG-I 15/22
White, 200829 27/27 37 14/13 25 5 Epoch 9/16
Wixson, 199730 35/35 50 16/19 2 Custom made 9/16
Zeh, 201348 25/25 60 15/10 29 1 Nanos 11/16

Note. MINORS, Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies.

*Study between two age groups.

**follow-up of Freitag et al, 201633.