A) Example CSD map smoothed with different methods. Leftmost panel corresponds to the cubic interpolation with 10 µm spatial resolution that was used in the main analysis. Other panels are computed with 2D linear interpolation (MATLAB function
interp2 with option
linear), with varying degrees of spatial resolution (respectively, 10, 33.3, and 50 µm). Boundaries between laminar compartments are drawn for each smoothing method separately for the population of penetrations (to ensure that we did not bias the results we blinded ourselves to the original layer assignment when applying each method). White dashed and dotted lines show boundary positions for the example penetration for each smoothing method. In the population, the assigned laminar compartment was the same as that when the standard interpolation method was used (cubic 10 µm) for 98.1 % (linear 10 µm), 97.7 % (linear 33.3 µm), and 97.1 % (linear 50 µm) of well-isolated units (
n = 685). (
B) After performing the laminar assignment separately for the different smoothing methods (see A), latencies were computed on border ownership (BO) index functions for the population of well-isolated units (as in
Figure 2E). Irrespective of the method used, the BO latency of deep layer units was always significantly shorter than that of granular layer units and superficial layer units. *p < 0.05 (exact p values from left to right: 0.018, 0.018, 0.015, and 0.025); **p < 0.01 (exact p values from left to right: 0.006, 0.004, 0.005, and 0.0025).