Figure 3. Spike latencies evoked by flashed stimuli appearing in the classical receptive field are shortest in the granular layer.
Response time courses of spikes evoked by small rings centered on the classical receptive field, for well-isolated units recorded in each laminar compartment (mean ± standard error of the mean [SEM]). Vertical lines indicate mean latencies for each laminar compartment (defined as crossing of the functions with a threshold value a third of the way from baseline to peak, 0.435). Deep: 49.4 ms, 95% CI [48.3 50.3], 173 units; granular: 47.8 ms, 95% CI [47.2 48.5], 152 units; superficial: 50.5 ms, 95% CI [49.1 52.2], 101 units. ***Bootstrap procedure p = 0.0005; **p = 0.002.