Figure 2.
Dynamics of Virus-Induced Neutrophil Recruitment and Platelet Accumulation in the Lungs. (A) Intravital visualization of neutrophils and platelet aggregation in the lung vasculature 5d-post IAV-infection in animals with anti-CD18 blocking antibody (WT Anti-CD18+IAV) or CD41 deficiency (CD41 KO+IAV) (neutrophils, red; platelets, green; endothelium, blue). Quantification of neutrophils (B) and platelets (C) within the lung as measured by IVM. Values are the mean number of neutrophils per field of view (FOV) ± SEM, n=3-5 per group. (D) Animal weight measurements following infection with or without integrin blockade/deficiency. Values are shown as the mean of weights normalized to day 0 ± SEM, n=3-5 per group. (E) IVM of neutrophil recruitment and platelet aggregation in control, 24h-post IAV infection and 3d and 5d-post IAV infection (neutrophils, red; platelets, green). (F) Quantification of platelet aggregates of indicated sizes (F) and neutrophils (G) at indicated times post IAV infection. (H) MPO activity at indicated times post IAV infection. Values are the mean number of aggregates per field of view (FOV) ± SEM, n=3-5 per group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 ****p < 0.0001 compared to the control group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001 compared to the IAV-infected group.