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. 2021 Nov 12;12:758610. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.758610


Risk factors for development and maintenance of smartphone addiction.

Variables B SE P-value Exp (B) LC UC
Intercept 0.960 1.223 0.433
Extrovert personality 0.051 0.047 0.275 1.053 0.960 1.154
Neuroticism personality 0.049 0.040 0.031 1.050 0.971 1.136
Psychoticism personality –0.068 0.053 0.198 1.071 0.965 1.188
Lying personality –0.072 0.051 0.052 1.074 0.972 1.187
Self-esteem –0.065 0.183 0.015 0.937 0.654 1.343
Loneliness 0.141 0.033 0.001 0.869 0.814 0.927
Depression 0.193 0.106 0.005 0.825 0.670 1.015
Perceived stress 0.001 0.020 0.043 0.999 0.960 1.039
Active coping –0.022 0.028 0.426 1.022 0.968 1.079
Passive coping 0.048 0.018 0.007 0.953 0.920 0.987