RAW264.7 cells (a, c) and BMDMs (b, d) were pretreated with EF (0, 3, 10, 30, and 100 μM) for 0.5 h, followed by stimulation with LPS (100 ng/mL) for another 0.5 h. a, b The total cell protein was extracted to evaluate the expression of Nrf2 by Western blot, and β-actin was used as a loading control. c, d The ratios of Nrf2/β-actin were semiquantitatively analyzed by ImageJ software. e–g LPS-induced ALI mice were generated by intratracheal injection of LPS (5 mg/kg) with or without EF (25 mg/kg) administration for 6 h. e Lung tissues were homogenized, and the expression of Nrf2 was measured by Western blot analysis. Then, the ratio of Nrf2/β-actin was calculated by densitometry. f–g The levels of tGPX4 (f) in the lung tissue and MDA (g) in the serum were measured by real-time PCR and MDA assay kits, respectively. The results represent the mean ± SEM, n = 3 for in vitro tests, and n = 5 mice per group for in vivo experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.