Detailed interactions and ITC results between Aca1 and IR2 DNA.A, schematic representation of the detailed interactions between Aca1 and IR2 DNA. Hydrogen bonds and salt-bridges are indicated by black arrows and hydrophobic interactions are indicated with multi-lines. A 3D view of the overall interactions between Aca1 and IR2 DNA is shown in Figure S4, A and B. B–F, detailed interactions in the core motifs. Hydrogen bonds and distance are shown in red dashed lines, and hydrophobic interactions are shown in yellow dashed lines. The 2|Fo|–|Fc| σ-weighted map is contoured at 1.0 σ. G, Aca1 Ser42 and Tyr49 bind to the minor groove around the spacer region. H, ITC results of Aca1-wt and mutants with 21-bp blunt-end IR2 DNA. I, ITC results of Aca1-wt and R22A/Q32A mutant with 21-bp IR2 DNA. J, ITC results of wild-type Aca1, S42A, S42G, and Y49A with 21-bp IR2 DNA. All raw data of the ITC experiments are shown in Table S2, Figures S5 and S6. N.D., not detected. W.B., week binding.