Fig. 2.
CRLF2 gene expression data. A.CRLF2 expression according to different CRLF2 groups and the presence of aberrations associated with CRLF2-high. CRLF2 groups are Group A, cases with CRLF2-low (blue); Group B, cases with CRLF2-high in absence of CRLF2 genomic aberrations (CRLF2-r and/or mutation, light pink); and Group C, cases with CRLF2-high and harbouring CRLF2-r and/or F232C (dark pink). Patients with CRLF2 V249M mutation are represented by green squares and those presenting JAK2 mutations and PAR1 gain by a blue dot and orange triangle, respectively. On the right side, the multilevel doughnut chart represents the distribution of these CRLF2 groups in the age cohorts (light green for paediatric patients and dark green for adults). B. and C.CRLF2 gene expression according to IKZF1 copy number alterations. IKZF1 wt is represented in a grey box. The top p-value inside the chart (p = 0.001) represents the comparison of CRLF2 overexpression in IKZF1 wild type vs deleted samples, and the p-value outside the Kruskal Wallis test comparing the three groups demonstrated. B.CRLF2 expression according to the presence of IKZF1 plus. IKZF1 wt, deleted (IKZF1 non-Plus, light blue) and IKZF1 plus (IKZF1 Plus, dark blue), defined as IKZF1 deletions with CDKN2A/B, PAX5 or PAR1 deletion and ERG wt [22]. C. Association between CRLF2 expression and IKZF1 status according to the functional consequence of IKZF1 deletions. Deletions involving the following exons 2-7, 4-7, 4-8 and 5-6 were considered as dominant-negative (light purple) and those in 1-7, 1-8 and 2-8 exons as haploinsufficient (dark purple). D.CRLF2 expression according to IK4 isoform. Patients are categorised by age in paediatric and adult cohorts. The status of the IKZF1 short isoform, IK4, is represented in light pink, low load, and dark pink, high load. A-D.CRLF2 expression was measured by 2−ΔΔCt. Statistical analyses were performed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).