Fig. 3. White- and gray matter regional volume changes in 4mo Mbnl1+/−/Mbnl2−/− mice.
a Corpus callosum/external capsule measurements (mean ± SD) are shown. b Representative axial brain slices from FSE T2w MRI scans with corpus callosum/external capsule volumes overlaid in yellow. c Anterior commissure measurements (mean ± SD) are shown. d Representative axial brain slices from FSE T2w MRI scans with anterior commissure volumes overlaid in yellow. Scale bar in 2D axial images denotes 1 mm. e–l Isocortex, isocortex (Bregma+), isocortex (Bregma−), hippocampus, caudoputamen, inter-/midbrain, hindbrain, and cerebellum volume measurements (mean ± SD) are shown. m–q 3D caudal–rostral projections of representative isocortex, hippocampus, caudoputamen, inter-/midbrain, and hindbrain regions are shown. Error bars are standard deviations (SD). In all cases, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001.