Fig. 5.
TE copies from specifically testis-biased TE families are preferentially located in testis-biased gene clusters. (A) Comparison of location and expression of TE families. Each data point corresponds to one TE family. The gray scale gives the percentage of copies of the family located in an unbiased genomic region; on the left the percentage of copies of the family located in a testis-biased genomic region; and on the bottom, the percentage of copies of the family located in an ovary-biased genomic region. TE families significantly enriched in the biased regions are shown in red or blue. (B) The same data as in A but with a different coloration: TE families are highlighted in red and blue if their copies are significantly more expressed in one sex compared with the other. Families enriched in male-biased regions are often enriched in male-biased copies. In contrast, families enriched in female-biased regions are not necessarily made up of copies overexpressed in ovaries. (C) Intersection between A and B. The five TE families with both significant testis-biased expression and testis cluster localization are shown in blue.