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. 2021 Nov 24;39:107612. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107612
Subject Ocean and Maritime Engineering
Specific subject area Consequence modelling of Arctic ship evacuations (expert-based assessment)
Type of data Tables
How the data were acquired Semi-structured interviews, followed by a survey. Sixteen experts participated in the interviews and survey (sample size: n = 16).
Semi-structured interviews were conducted and recorded using Cisco Webex video-conferencing software. QSR Nvivo 1.3 software was used for transcription and thematic analysis of the interview data. Surveys were administered and results collecting using Qualtrics online survey software.
Data format Processed data: processed data from the semi-structured interviews is provided, including thematic codes and descriptions, code reference counts, and code intersection counts.
Raw data: survey data
Description of data collection Through semi-structured interviews, participants identified factors that influence life-safety consequence severity of Arctic ship evacuations. Interviews were held and recorded using Cisco Webex video-conference software. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed through thematic analysis using QSR Nvivo qualitative analysis software. Interview data informed the development of a survey, in which participants evaluated life-safety consequence severity of different evacuation scenarios. Surveys were administered using Qualtrics online survey software.
Data source location
  • Institution: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Ocean Engineering Research Centre

  • City/Town/Region: St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador

  • Country: Canada

Data accessibility Repository name: Mendeley
Data identification number:
Direct URL to data:
Related research article [1] T. Browne, B. Veitch, R. Taylor, J. Smith, D. Smith, F. Khan; Consequence modelling for Arctic ship evacuations using expert knowledge, Marine Policy, 130 (2021) 104,582.