Electrostatic interactions account for phase separation and photoswitching abilities
(A) Photoswitchable droplet formation at pH 7.0 in contrast to dispersed states at pH 12.5 (20 mM buffer concentration) (scale bar: 10 μm).
(B) Phase diagrams illustrating phase-separated states of trans and cisAAP-ODN. Empty circles represent phase-separated states; crosses represent non-phase-separated states (dispersed states). Plot areas are shaded only as a visual guide.
(C) Images of the energy minimum structures of trans and cisAAP-ODN with 20-mer pLys obtained through molecular dynamics simulation. End-to-end distance with simulation time is plotted; red and blue lines are distances from individual runs of trans and cisAAP-ODN respectively, with a total of six runs each; black and gray lines represent averages of the respective runs; dashed lines bound production runs.
(D) Interactions of AAP with neighboring bases in AAP-ODN. AAP is indicated in pink and hydrophobic interactions are shown as dashed lines.
See also Figure S2D.