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. 2021 Nov 15;9:713925. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.713925


The univariate and multivariate Cox analysis to determine the independent prognostic factors.

Univariate Multivariate

Item HR (HR.95L-HR.95H) P-value HR (HR.95L-HR.95H) P-value
Training set
Age 1.015 (0.993–1.038) 0.184 1.010 (0.987–1.033) 0.417
Gender 0.623 (0.358–1.085) 0.095 0.714 (0.396–1.288) 0.263
Grade 1.207 (0.800–1.822) 0.370 1.326 (0.832–2.115) 0.235
Stage 1.554 (1.156–2.088) 0.003 0.749 (0.298–1.885) 0.540
T 1.543 (1.168–2.040) 0.002 1.814 (0.740–4.450) 0.193
M 1.782 (0.968–3.281) 0.064 1.893 (0.891–4.022) 0.097
N 1.179 (0.587–2.368) 0.643 0.907 (0.380–2.168) 0.827
Risk score 1.623 (1.404–1.876) <0.001 1.594 (1.359–1.868) <0.001
Testing set
Age 1.005 (0.985–1.025) 0.620 1.010 (0.989–1.031) 0.351
Gender 1.119 (0.644–1.942) 0.691 1.252 (0.707–2.219) 0.441
Grade 1.113 (0.799–1.551) 0.528 1.264 (0.882–1.811) 0.203
Stage 1.764 (1.310–2.375) <0.001 1.603 (0.580–4.436) 0.363
T 1.711 (1.291–2.269) <0.001 1.175 (0.440–3.138) 0.747
M 1.204 (0.667–2.175) 0.538 1.504 (0.752–3.007) 0.248
N 1.183 (0.681–2.057) 0.551 0.944 (0.486–1.834) 0.865
Risk score 1.010 (0.918–1.113) 0.032 1.014 (0.903–1.138) 0.018