Figure 4.
Comprehensive analysis of OLFML2B. (A) Expression levels of five mRNA types which contained basal squamous, luminal, Luminal infiltrated, luminal papillary, and neuronal subtypes, respectively. (B) The expression levels of the five immunophenotypes were C1 (wound healing), C2 (IFN-gamma dominant), C3 (inflammatory), C4 (lymphocyte depleted), C6 (TGF-b dominant). (C) A bar chart of the proportion of genomic changes in four cohorts of OLFML2B. (D) According to the Genome alteration of OLFML2B, the patients were divided into two groups for Kaplan–Meier analysis. (E) Comparison of methylation levels of OLFML2B in normal and tumor tissues. P < 0.05 indicates that it is statistically significant.