Table 1.
Virus | Host | Acc. Num. | References |
SARS-CoV | Human | P59594 | [18]a |
SARS-CoV-2 | Human | P0DTC2 | [19]a |
GXP2V | Pangolin | A0A6G9KP06 | [20]a |
MP789 | Pangolin | A0A6M3G9R1 | [21]a |
RS7327 | Bat | A0A2D1PXC0 | [16]a |
YN2018B | Bat | A0A4Y6GL47 | [15]a |
Rs9401 | Bat | A0A2D1PXD5 | [15]b |
WIV16 | Bat | A0A0U2IWM2 | [22]a |
Rs4874 | Bat | A0A2D1PX97 | [15]b |
Rs3367 | Bat | U5WHZ7 | [15]b |
WIV1 | Bat | U5WI05 | [23]a |
Rs4084 | Bat | A0A2D1PX29 | [16]a |
RsSHC014 | Bat | U5WLK5 | [24]a |
Rs4231 | Bat | A0A2D1PXA9 | [16]a |
RaTG13 | Bat | A0A6B9WHD3 | [25]a |
Cited evidence for ACE2 usage based either on demonstration of bindinga or bioinformatic prediction of bindingb. In cases where the prediction was made prior to demonstration, the citation for the demonstration is shown. Others have hypothesized that the additional pangolin coronaviruses included in our analysis also bind ACE2, however, this has not yet been investigated.