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. 2021 Oct 13;9(1):360–373. doi: 10.1093/emph/eoab032

Table 1.

Betacoronaviruses known to bind the ACE2 receptor

Virus Host Acc. Num. References
SARS-CoV Human P59594 [18]a
SARS-CoV-2 Human P0DTC2 [19]a
GXP2V Pangolin A0A6G9KP06 [20]a
MP789 Pangolin A0A6M3G9R1 [21]a
RS7327 Bat A0A2D1PXC0 [16]a
YN2018B Bat A0A4Y6GL47 [15]a
Rs9401 Bat A0A2D1PXD5 [15]b
WIV16 Bat A0A0U2IWM2 [22]a
Rs4874 Bat A0A2D1PX97 [15]b
Rs3367 Bat U5WHZ7 [15]b
WIV1 Bat U5WI05 [23]a
Rs4084 Bat A0A2D1PX29 [16]a
RsSHC014 Bat U5WLK5 [24]a
Rs4231 Bat A0A2D1PXA9 [16]a
RaTG13 Bat A0A6B9WHD3 [25]a

Cited evidence for ACE2 usage based either on demonstration of bindinga or bioinformatic prediction of bindingb. In cases where the prediction was made prior to demonstration, the citation for the demonstration is shown. Others have hypothesized that the additional pangolin coronaviruses included in our analysis also bind ACE2, however, this has not yet been investigated.