Ancestry-stratified 2-sample MR estimates of ASCVD associations and other phenotypes previously known to be associated with Lp(a). (A) Forest plots of the combined (eMERGE, UK Biobank, and MVP) cohort MR estimates and (B) Bayesian posterior probability MR estimates for ASCVD subtypes. (C) Forest plots of combined cohort MR estimates and (D) Bayesian posterior probability MR estimates for other phenotypes with previously known associations. For all panels, results are for the inverse variance weighted method. For panels B and D the black circle represents the posterior mean and the interval represents the 95% highest posterior density. ASCVD: atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, CI: confidence interval, CrI: credible interval, eMERGE: electronic MEdical Records and GEnomics, Lp(a): lipoprotein(a), MR: Mendelian randomization, MVP: Million Veteran Program, PPr: posterior probability, OR: odds ratio, SD: standard deviation, UK: United Kingdom.
*Results for abdominal aortic aneurysm in African ancestry are only for MVP cohort as the other two cohorts did not meet minimum case requirements.
†The Bayesian posterior probability for the indicated OR range.