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. 2021 Nov 16;11:751209. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.751209

Table 1.

First-line ICI Clinical Trials in EGFRm NSCLC.

Trial Phase Intervention Outcome Safety Reference
ICI Monotherapy
CheckMate 012 1 Nivolumab ORR: 14% for EGFRm vs 30% for EGFRwt
PFS: 1.8 vs 6.6 mo
G3-4#: 17%, G5: 0% (37)
NCT02879994 2 Pembrolizumab ORR: 0%* TRAE: 46%, no G4-5
6/7 patients had a TRAE on second-line EGFR TKI, including one G5 pneumonitis
ICI + Chemotherapy
CheckMate 012 1 Nivolumab + PT-DC ORR: 17% for EGFRm vs 47% for EGFRwt
PFS: 4.8 vs 7.5 mo
OS: 20.5 vs 24.5 mo
G3-4#: 50%, G5: 0%. Pneumonitis most common TRAE (7%) (39)
ICI + EGFR TKI Therapy
NCT02088112 1 Gefitinib + durvalumab dose escalation ORR: 63.3%-70%
PFS: 10.1-12.0 mo
TRAE: 100%, 17/40 high-grade hepatic AEs (40)
KEYNOTE-021 3 Pembrolizumab (P) + erlotinib (E) or gefitinib (G) ORR: 41.7% P+E, 14.3% P + G
PFS: 19.5 mo P+E, 1.4 mo P + G
P+E: TRAE: 100%, G3: 33.3%, no G4-5
P+G: TRAE: 85.7%, G3-4: 71.4% hepatotoxic AEs
NCT02013219 1b Atezolizumab + erlotinib ORR: 75%
PFS: 11.3 mo
G3-4#: 39% (42)
Dual ICI Therapy
CheckMate 012 1 Nivolumab + ipilimumab ORR: 50% TRAE#: 72-82%, G3-4: 33-37%, no G5 (43)

Indicated categories of trials with respective trial parameters are given. *1/11 patients initially reported to respond but was found to be EGFRwt. ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; OS, overall survival; TRAE, Treatment related adverse event; G, grade of toxicity; PT-DC, platinum-doublet chemotherapy; #TRAEs for entire study population and not selected for EGFRm patients.