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. 2021 Nov 16;12:658443. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.658443

Table 1.

Mean sum of squares for stomatal conductance during three growth stages in four crosses.

Source DF-N DF-D Cross 1 (GW322 X KAUZ//AA//KAUZ) Cross 2 (GW366 X KAUZ//AA//KAUZ) Cross 3 (GW322 X RAC875) Cross 4 (GW366 X RAC875)
Mean square F value P>F Mean square F value P>F Mean square F value P>F Mean square F value P>F
Late boot
Sowing date 2 3 36,275,700 1741.66** <0.0001 18,655,399 392.42** <0.0001 8,563,521 2281.53** <0.0001 25,703,464 16033.2** <0.0001
Generation 5 15 2,258,103 101.77** <0.0001 2,301,397 78.97** <0.0001 2,188,959 46.53** <0.0001 1,418,814 23.61** <0.0001
Sowing date X Generation 10 15 652,343 29.4** <0.0001 397,234 13.63** <0.0001 522,134 11.1** <0.0001 922,210 11.53** 0.010
Generation X Block (Sowing date) 15 1,044 22,189 15.4** <0.0001 29,144 6.16** <0.0001 47,040 8.76** <0.0001 60,084 19.06** <0.0001
Error 1,044 1440.948 4733.787 5371.191 3153.053
Early milk
Sowing date 2 3 19,991,763 1076.79** <0.0001 3,616,224 121.14** 0.0014 5,971,935 162.62** 0.0009 3,953,927 395.3** 0.0002
Generation 5 15 1,538,729 55.85** <0.0001 1,377,836 74.68** <0.0001 500,024 33.22** <0.0001 650,114 44.81** <0.0001
Sowing date X Generation 10 15 417,828 15.17** <0.0001 94,248 5.11** 0.0025 115,848 7.7** 0.0003 86,051 5.93** 0.0011
Generation X Block (Sowing date) 15 1,044 27,552 20.8** <0.0001 18,449 11.39** <0.0001 15,050 13.35** <0.0001 14,507 20.43** <0.0001
Error 1,044 1324.289 1620.206 1127.761 709.9135
Late milk
Sowing date 2 3 23,588,138 360.39** 0.0003 17,900,117 1476.7** <0.0001 8,044,536 103.13** 0.0017 10,102,155 1174.48** <0.0001
Generation 5 15 822,232 25.74** <0.0001 648,708 20.56** <0.0001 42,345 3.06** 0.0424 65,276 8.64** 0.0005
Sowing date X Generation 10 15 178,048 5.57** 0.0016 91,759 2.91** 0.010 139,866 10.1** <0.0001 60,586 8.01** 0.0002
Generation X Block (Sowing date) 15 1,044 31,944 19.91** <0.0001 31,551 11.33** <0.0001 13,852 11.05** <0.0001 7559.309 16.17** <0.0001
Error 1,044 1604.692 2784.399 1253.322 467.6287

DF-N, degrees of freedom numerator; DF-D, degrees of freedom denominator.


Significant at p ≤0.01.