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. 2021 Dec 1;9(3):e00409-21. doi: 10.1128/Spectrum.00409-21


Univariable and multivariable analysis of risk factors for moxifloxacin resistance by MIC at 0.5 and 2.0 μg/mL in 2013a

Characteristic All cases, n Resistant at 0.5 μg /mL moxifloxacin
Resistant at 2.0 μg /mL moxifloxacin
Resistant, n (%) Susceptible, n (%) cPR
aPR (95% CI)
aPR (95% CI)
Value P value Value P value Resistant, n (%) Susceptible, n (%) Value P value Value P value
 Male 254 100 (39.4) 154 (60.6) 1 55 (21.7) 199 (78.3) 1
 Female 84 40 (47.6) 44 (52.4) 1.21 0.17 24 (28.6) 60 (71.4) 1.32 0.19
Age (yrs)
 <40 125 48 (38.4) 77 (61.6) 1 1 31 (24.8) 94 (61.6) 1
 40 to 59 134 51 (38.1) 83 (61.9) 0.99 0.96 1.00 (0.74 to 1.36) 0.99 29 (21.6) 105 (61.9) 0.87 0.55
 ≥60 79 41 (51.9) 38 (48.1) 1.35 0.06 1.46 (1.10 to 1.93) 0.009 19 (24.1) 60 (48.1) 0.97 0.90
Region of residence within China
 Central 138 42 (30.4) 96 (69.6) 1 1 21 (15.2) 117 (84.8) 1 1
 East 141 76 (53.9) 65 (46.1) 1.77 <0.001 1.85 (1.38 to 2.48) <0.001 46 (32.6) 95 (67.4) 2.14 0.001 2.14 (1.35 to 3.40) 0.001
 West 59 22 (37.3) 37 (62.7) 1.23 0.34 1.31 (0.88 to 1.96) 0.18 12 (20.3) 47 (79.7) 1.34 0.38 1.34 (0.70 to 2.54) 0.38
 Farmer 209 84 (40.2) 169 (59.8) 1 43 (20.6 166 (79.4) 1
 Other 129 56 (43.4) 109 (56.6) 1.08 0.56 36 (43.4) 93 (72.1) 1.36 0.12
Number of previous antituberculosis treatments
 0 197 78 (39.6) 119 (60.4) 1 50 (25.4) 147 (74.6) 1
 1 105 46 (43.8) 59 (56.2) 1.11 0.48 22 (21.0) 83 (79.0) 0.83 0.40
 >1 36 16 (44.4) 20 (55.6) 1.12 0.58 7 (19.4) 29 (80.6) 0.77 0.46
Previous fluoroquinolone usage for antituberculosis treatment
 No 331 137 (41.4) 194 (58.6) 1 77 (23.3) 254 (76.7) 1
 Yes 7 3 (42.9) 4 (57.1) 1.04 0.94 2 (28.6) 5 (71.4) 1.23 0.73

acPR, crude prevalence ratio; aPR, adjust prevalence ratio; CI, confidence interval; “—” , these variables were not included in the final model.