Table 1.
Description of Problematic Patterns of Alcohol Use Measures in Accordance with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) criteria
Hurt or risky behaviors while under the influence of alcohol | “How often have you been under the influence of alcohol when you could have gotten yourself or others hurt, or put yourself or others at risk, including unprotected sex?” Responses were dichotomized into none (0) or ≥1 times. |
Cut down on activities and socialization that interfere with alcohol use | “Have you ever given up or cut down on important activities that would interfere with drinking like getting together with friends or relatives, going to work or school, participating in sports, or anything else?” Response options were yes or no. |
Continued to use alcohol despite emotional or physical health problems | “Have you ever continued to drink after you realized drinking was causing you any emotional problems (such as feeling irritable, depressed, or uninterested in things or having strange ideas) or causing you any health problems (such as ulcers, numbness in your hands/feet or memory problems)?” Response options were yes or no. |
Drinking interfered with responsibilities at work or school | “How often has your drinking interfered with your responsibilities at work or school?” Responses were dichotomized into none (0) or ≥1 times. |
Problems with family, friends, or people at work or school because of drinking | “How often have you had problems with your family, friends, or people at work or school because of your drinking?” Responses were dichotomized into none (0) or ≥1 times. |
Spent a lot of time drinking, planning how you would get alcohol, or recovering from a hangover | “Has there ever been a period when you spent a lot of time drinking, planning how you would get alcohol, or recovering from a hangover?” Response options were yes or no. |
Drink more than you used to in order to get the effect you wanted | “Have you ever found that you had to drink more than you used to in order to get the effect you wanted?” Response options were yes or no. |
Try to quit alcohol | “Have you ever tried to quit or cut down on your drinking?” Response options were yes or no. |
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms | “During the first few hours of not drinking, do you experience withdrawal symptoms such as the shakes, feeling anxious, trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, nausea, vomiting, or rapid heart beats?” Response options were yes or no. |
Drink more or longer than intended | “Have you often had more to drink or kept drinking for a longer period of time than you intended?” Response options were yes or no. |