Fig. 6. Comparison between the scopolamine derivatives.
a Chemical structures of the scopolamine derivative ligands (Scopolamine (Scop), N-butylscopolamine (NBS), Oxitropium (Oxitro), and N-methylscopolamine (NMS)) used in the current FTIR spectroscopic studies, and each ligand bound spectra in the 1800–1450 cm−1 region. The group of quaternary ammonium derivative positions are highlighted. Ligand binding-induced difference ATR-FTIR spectra are measured in H2O at 293 K. Positive and negative bands correspond to ligand-bound and ligand-unbound states, respectively. One division of the y-axis corresponds to 0.0025 absorbance unit. b Comparison between Atro-bound structure in M1R (green, PDB: 6WJC)47 and NMS-bound structure in M2R (cyan, PDB: 5YC8)15 at the view from extracellular side. The amino acid residues and ligands are depicted by sticks, and TM helices are depicted by ribbons. Hydrogen bond between Asp1033.32 and amine group of both ligands are shown by red dotted lines with hydrogen bond length as labels.