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. 2021 Nov 24;2021:7463391. doi: 10.1155/2021/7463391

Table 3.

Type of intervention and secondary outcomes evaluated.

ID Author Intervention Secondary outcomes Intervention Comparison P value
1 Fowdar [28] NAC Hospital admissions (absolute frequency): 3 studies 37/50 55/50 NR
26/52 45/56
33/482 36/482
Duration of exacerbation (days): 2 studies 17.2 23.7 NR
14.8 19.2 <0.0001

2 Aytemur [34] NAC Arterial Gases:
(i) Pa02 (mmHg) 70.5 (15.0) 68.7 (12.4) 0.777
(ii) PaC02 (mmHg) 43.5 (9.1) 44.5 (5.3) NR
(iii) Sa02 (%) 92.9 (4.5) 92.6 (4.5) 0.979
FEV1 (ml) 1239 (543) 1180 (535) 0.076
Hospital stay (days) 10.5 (3.8) 9.8 (3.0) 0.52
Number of exacerbations at 6 months 1.1 (1.3) 1.0 (1.4) 0.788
Time to exacerbation (days) 50.4 (66.2) 22.7 (27.6) 0.347
Number of hospitalizations at six months of follow-up 0.9 (1.1) 0.6 (0.9) 0.424
Time to hospital admission (days) 45.6 (67.2) 24.6 (41.5) 0.373

3 Kirkil [43] Zinc Serum levels: baseline versus postsupplementation
(i) MDA (nmol/mL) 0.51 (0.15) 0.46 (0.38) 0.061
(ii) SOD (U/mL) 0.16 (0.02) 0.18 (0.01) 0.029
(iii) CAT (k/mL) 14.79 (3.03) 16.27 (1.10) 0.523
(iv) Zinc (mg/dL) 77.33 (4.29) 87.36 (4.96) <0.001

4 Tse [33] NAC Time to exacerbation (days) 261.5 (18.4) 239.5 (17.9) 0.17
Exacerbation-free patients 53.8% 37.5% 0.088

5 Nadeem [41] Vitamin E Indicators of Oxidative Stress:
(i) Generation of superoxide leukocytes (nm O2¯ produced/15 min/2.5 × 106 cells) 16.54 (7.77) 14.6 (8.53) NR
(ii) Plasma peroxidized lipids (μM/l) 3.79 (0.94) 3.93 (0.99)
(iii) Total plasma protein carbonyls (nm/mg protein) 1.14 (0.26) 1.16 (0.25)
(iv) Total plasma proteins sulfhydryls (nm/l) 0.53 (0.09) 0.51 (0.08)
(v) Total nitrates and nitrites (μM/l) 69.09 (35.51) 68.8 (39.64)
Antioxidant status indicators: NR
(i) Red cell superoxide dismutase (U/g Hb) 2040.4 (783.7) 2126.1 (831.4)
(ii) Red cell catalase (U/g Hb) 3382.1 (1012.4) 3005.1 (1062.9)
(iii) Total blood glutathione (nM) 1.21 (0.65) 0.78 (0.57)
(iv) Red cell glutathione peroxidase (μM oxidized NADPH/min/g Hb) 50.6 (13.5) 47.3 (13.2)
(v) Plasma glutathione peroxidase (oxidized nM NADPH/min/ml) 169.7 (73.8) 184.1 (55.8)
(vi) Total plasma antioxidant power (μM) 554.2 (48) 650.01 (183.3)

6 Decramer [36] NAC Probability of exacerbations per year 0.99 (0.89–1.10) 0.85
Probability of exacerbations per year in patients without inhaled corticosteroids 0.79 (0.63–0.98) 0.04
EuroQoL-5D (first year) 0·018 (–0·015; 0·05) 0·037 (0·004; 0·069) 0.414
EuroQoL-5D (after the first year) –0·02 (–0·034; 0·005) –0·02 (–0·034; –0·004) 0.965
St. George's respiratory questionnaire (1st year) –3.76 (–5.55; –1.98) –4.95 (–6.74; –3.16) 0.358
St. George's respiratory questionnaire (annual decrease) 1.45 (0.52; 2.38) 1.24 (0.28; 2.21) 0.763

7 Schermer [35] NAC Quality of life (total score)
(i) Score chronic respiratory questionnaire CRQ <0.5 <0.5 0.306
Pulmonary function parameters (at three years): −60 (5.4)∗∗ NR
(i) FEV1 (mL) after BD −64 (5.4)∗∗ −62 (7.1)∗∗
(ii) Tight −60 (7.5)∗∗
(iii) Per protocol −65 (9.4)∗∗
(iv) FVC (mL) after BD −79 (9.5)∗∗ −57 (13.1)∗∗
(v) Tight −51 (13.9)∗∗

8 Cai [45] High-fat, low-carb formula Arterial gases: NR
(i) PH 7.38 (0.21) 7.37 (0.21)
(ii) Pc02 (mm Hg) 42 (3) 45 (3)
(iii) Po2 (mm Hg) 79 (4) 71 (6)

9 Stey [32] NAC Decrease in symptoms (cough, mucopurulent sputum, and dyspnea) 1.78 (1.54–2.05) NR
10 Martineau [39] Vitamin D Time it takes for the first upper respiratory infection to appear 0.95 (0.69–1.31) 0.75
11 Vermeeren [44] Nutritional support Changes in symptoms (score):
(i) Dyspnea at rest −3.8 (2.5) −4.3 (3.2) <0.05
(ii) Dyspnea while eating −4.2 (2.5) −4.7 (3.3) <0.05
(iii) Loss of appetite −2.7 (3.2) −2.6 (2.9) <0.05
(iv) Early satiety −3.2 (3.3) −2.5 (3.3) <0.05
(v) Borborygmus −2.4 (3.4) −3.0 (2.8) <0.05
(vi) Fatigue −4.2 (3.7) −3.9 (3.5) <0.05

12 Dueholm [38] NAC Pulmonary function:
(i) FEV1 1.9 (0.18) 2.0 (0.13) NS
(ii) FVC 3.0 (0.21) 2.9 (0.18)
(iii) PEFR 356.7 (29.64) 354.6 (25.07)
Number of exacerbations 9 7 NR

14 Jolliffe [40] Vitamin D Time to first exacerbation (3 studies) 0.93 (0.74–1.17) 0.53
% FEV1 at the end of the study (3 studies) 54.9 (21.0) 54.9 (21.9) 0.16
% HRV at the end of the study (3 studies) 88.8 (20.0) 89.9 (21.8) 0.49

15 Rogliani [31] Erdosteine Risk of at least one exacerbation NR
(i) General 0.90 (0.83–0.96)
(ii) Erdosteine 0.82 (0.70–0.95)
(iii) NAC 0.88 (0.74–1.05)
(iv) Carbocysteine 0.94 (0.83–1.07)
NAC Duration of exacerbation (days) NR
(i) General −2.63 (−4.03; –1.23)
(ii) Erdosteine −2.04 (−3.51; –0.57)
(iii) NAC −3.56 (−5.46; –1.66)
Carbocysteine Risk of hospitalization due to exacerbation NR
(i) General 0.69 (0.52–0.91)
(ii) Erdosteine 0.56 (0.33–0.94)
(iii) NAC 0.75 (0.51–1.10)

16 Meng-Chun [47] Oligomeric proanthocyanidins Plasma concentration of oxidative markers: MDA (nmol/ml) 5.87 (0.27) 7.95 (0.41) NR
(i) SOD (U/g protein) 2.70 (0.45) 5.37 (0.87)
(ii) Catalase (U/g protein) 13.42 (1.25) 16.51 (1.65)
(iii) GSH–PX (U/g protein) 0.14 (0.01) 0.19 (0.03)
Plasma lipids: NR
(i) Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 198 (13) 202 (9)
(ii) Triglycerides (mg/dl) 114 (20) 125 (21)
(iii) HDL (mg/dl) 59 (4) 47 (4)
(iv) LDL (mg/dl) 120 (12) 126 (7)

18 Matos [42] Melatonin IL-8 (pg/mL) 2.24 (0.98) 2.41 (0.82) NR
FVC (L) 2.76 (0.67) 2.90 (0.70)
FEV1 (L) 1.46 (0.54) 1.44 (0.46)
MRC score 1.56 (1.38) 1.56 (1.38)
6-MWT (m) 391 (56) 389 (76)

NAC : N-Acetylcysteine; hazard ratio (95% CI); ∗∗ average (standard error); IVC : inspiratory vital capacity; GSH-Px : glutathione peroxidase; FVC : forced vital capacity; 6-MWT: 6-minute walk test. ∗∗ Measurements at the time of hospital discharge. NS : not significant; NR : no report; MDA : plasma malondialdehyde; SOD : superoxide dismutase; CAT : catalase.