A) Correlation of Glu-tubulin intensity (normalized to islet average) to the number of secretion events per cell in whole islets. Gray field, intensity below islet average (<1). Yellow field, intensityabove islet average (>1). The same data set as in
Figure 2F–H. (
B) Correlation of Glu-tubulin intensity (normalized to the field of view average) to the number of secretion events per cell in disseminated islets. Correlative analysis between data as in (
D) and (
E). Gray field, intensity below field average (<1). Yellow field, intensity above field average (>1). (
C). The number of secretion events per cell in disseminated islets with Glu-tubulin intensity below field average and those above field average is compared in the graph. The same data set as in (
B). Mann-Whitney nonparametric comparison test p-value is shown. N=124 cells. (
D) Cell outlines (white line) and secretion events (red circles) from a disseminated islet after 10 min in 20 mM glucose and Fluozin-3 dye. Scale bars: 10 µm. (
E, F) Disseminated islet from (
E) post-fixed following TIRF imaging for Glu-tubulin (
E) and tubulin (
F). Cells (yellow dashed lines) correspond to cells in (
E) with the same number. Single slice from the bottom of the cells. Scale bars: 10 µm. MT, microtubule; TIRF, Total internal reflection fluorescent.