A) Notation used to describe architectures of polyUb chains used in this paper (adopted from
Varadan et al., 2005). Note that we use the term ‘linear’ to refer to nonbranched Ub chains, which include but are not exclusively M1-linked Ub chains. (
B) UCH37 exclusively cleaves the K48 linkage in a branched chain. Ub
3 substrates were incubated with the indicated DUB (i.e., UCH37–RPN13
C complex or OTUB1) and the reaction products were detected using either the K6 linkage-specific anti-Ub affimer (
Michel et al., 2017) or K48 linkage-specific anti-Ub antibody. In Lane 5, OTUB1 was added after UCH37–RPN13
C had completely hydrolyzed the K6/K48-branched Ub
3, thereby producing K6-linked Ub
2 that was refractory to OTUB1. (
C) Crystal structure of the UCH37–RPN13
C–Ub complex (PDB code: 4WLR). Part of the active site crossover loop (ASCL) is disordered and is represented as a dotted line. UCH37 ASCL residues M148 F149 contact RPN13
C and are shown in gray. UCH37 residues E34, W36, and I216 contact the hydrophobic patch on Ub and are shown in orange. UCH37 catalytic-site residue C88 is shown in red. (
D) Quantification from
Figure 1D, plotted as the ratio of Ub
2 in the presence over absence of RPN13
C. Mean ± standard deviation (SD) from two independent replicates are shown.