HeLa cells, stably expressing mApple-Rab5 and transiently transfected with the PI(3)P marker, GFP-FYVE, were treated for 20 min with nigericin, washed and imaged over 3 hr, as described in
Figure 4A. (
A) Time-lapse images of a representative endosome to show transient Rab5 recruitment accompanied by PI(3)P. (
B) Corresponding graph of normalised mean fluorescence intensity of Rab5 and FYVE at the rim of the endosome in (
A) over the time the endosome was detectable. (
C) Averaged Rab5 and PI(3)P kinetics of 16 endosomes. Error bars represent standard deviation. (
D) Averaged Rab5 and PI(3)P kinetics of 15 endosomes. Error bars represent standard deviation. (
C) and (
D) represent two independent experiments of a total of three.