ghr-miR397 regulates the expression of GhLAC4 through post-transcriptional processing. (A) Schematic diagram of pBI121-LAC4 and pBI121-LAC4 mutant. Red letters represent the mutated bases. (B) GUS tissue staining leaf spots (left panel) infiltrated with different vectors as indicated (right panel). (C) Quantitative analysis of GUS activities of different leaf sports corresponding to (B) with the 4-MU assay. The GUS activity value of at a site is arbitrarily designated as ‘1.’ (D) qPCR analysis of ghr-miR397-directed cleavage of GhLAC4 mRNA. Illustration of the primers designed (left panel), fragments FD and FU represent PCR amplification products located downstream of and containing the cleavage site, respectively (right panel). Mean with SD comes from triple repeats experiments. Significant differences in (C,D) were determined using Student’s t-test (**P < 0.01).