Body weight changes of immunized mice after virus challenge. Five mice in each vaccine-dose group were challenged with 105.0 50% tissue culture infective dose
(TCID50) per 30 µl of the homologous strain, Ind/08/11 ma-P7/e-P3, after two times of subcutaneous vaccination with 4, 20, and 100 µg of the vaccine strain, as well as
without antigen (Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)), respectively. Body weight of the mice was monitored daily for 14 days after the challenge. An average of the body weight proportion
on each post-challenge day to day 0 was indicated with open (no challenge) or closed points with lines (vaccinated in different doses). In the figure, α, β, and γ indicate the
significant difference from the PBS group to the 100-, 20-, or 4-µg dose groups (P<0.05), respectively.