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. 2021 Nov 18;8:762245. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2021.762245

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics according to the ABC compliance.

All patients ABC group Non-ABC group P-value
N = 19,187 N = 43,65 N = 14,822
Age (years) 64.2 ± 12.0 62.4 ± 11.5 64.7 ± 12.1 <0.0001
Age≥75, n (%) 4,187 (21.8) 633 (14.5) 3,554 (24.0) <0.0001
Female, n (%) 7,389 (38.5) 1,500 (34.4) 5,889 (39.7) <0.0001
SBP(mmHg) 128.3 ± 16.6 120.0 ± 10.2 130.5 ± 17.5 <0.0001
Body mass index (kg/m2) 25.5 ± 3.5 25.5 ± 3.6 25.5 ± 3.5 0.0045
AF type, n (%)
   New onset 1,179 (6.1) 229 (5.3) 950 (6.4) 0.0096
   Paroxysmal 10,982 (57.2) 2,490 (57.0) 8,492 (57.3)
   Persistent/permanent 7,026 (36.6) 1,646 (37.7) 5,380 (36.3)
eGFR <60 (CKD-EPI), n (%) 1,876 (9.8) 224 (5.1) 1,652 (11.2) <0.0001
Current Smoking, n (%) 2,253 (11.7) 602 (13.8) 1,651 (11.1) <0.0001
RFCA (baseline), n (%) 8,644 (45.1) 1,910 (43.8) 6,734 (45.4) 0.0506
Comorbidities, n (%)
   Coronary artery disease 2,967 (15.5) 121 (2.8) 2,846 (19.2) <0.0001
   Peripheral arterial disease 153 (0.8) 10 (0.2) 143 (1.0) <0.0001
   Hypertension 12,250 (63.9) 2,231 (51.1) 10,019 (67.6) <0.0001
   Heart failure 2,719 (14.2) 187 (4.3) 2,532 (17.1) <0.0001
   Ischemic stroke or TIA 2,774 (14.5) 294 (6.7) 2,480 (16.7) <0.0001
   Diabetes mellitus 4,588 (23.9) 570 (13.1) 4,018 (27.1) <0.0001
   CHA2DS2-VASc, mean ± SD 2.5 ± 1.8 1.8 ± 1.3 2.7 ± 1.9 <0.0001
   HAS-BLED, mean ± SD 1.8 ± 1.2 1.5 ± 0.9 1.9 ± 1.2 <0.0001
Medication, n (%)
   Warfarin 8,186 (42.7) 2,162 (49.5) 6,024 (40.6) <0.0001
   NOAC 4,150 (21.6) 749 (17.2) 3,401 (23.0) <0.0001
   ACEI/ARB 6,531 (34.0) 1,291 (29.6) 5,240 (35.4) <0.0001
   Beta-blocker 8,144 (42.5) 1,790 (41.0) 6,354 (42.9) 0.0288
   Calcium channel blocker 852 (4.4) 178 (4.1) 674 (4.6) 0.1858
   Statin 7,480 (39.0) 1,445 (33.1) 6,035 (40.7) <0.0001
   Aspirin or Clopidogrel 4,916 (25.6) 802 (18.4) 4,114 (27.8) <0.0001
   Insulin therapy or Oral antidiabetic drugs 2,290 (11.9) 309 (71) 1,981 (13.4) <0.00001

ABC, Atrial fibrillation Better Care; ACEI, angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors; AF, Atrial Fibrillation; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; CHA2DS2-VASc, congestive heart failure, hypertension, age > 75 (doubled), diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischemic attack (doubled), vascular disease, age 65 to 74, female; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HAS-BLED, uncontrolled hypertension, abnormal renal and/or hepatic function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR, elderly, drugs or excessive alcohol drinking; NOAC, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant; SBP-systolic blood pressure; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.