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. 2021 Nov 18;12:713713. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.713713


Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 RT-LAMP solutions, including key parameters on clinical validation.

Commercial name or acronym Sample source Transport medium Target Internal control RNA extraction Kit/output Program Sensitivity/specificity LoD Clinical sample tested Local References
OmniLAMP Nasopharyngeal VTM N, E and RdRp genes NA Yes NEB #M1800; #M1804 Color 65°C/30 min 100%/100% Up to RT-qPCR Ct value 30 20 copies/μL using clinical samples 467 CT-Vacinas-Fiocruz/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil This study
Nasopharyngeal Saline N gene and ORF1a Human actin B gene No NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/30 min 87.5%/100% 25 copies/μL 62 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States Anahtar et al., 2021
Yes 90%/100% 40
NI NI N gene; ORF1ab NI Yes NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/30 min 100%/100% 240 copies/Rx 62 Paraná Central Laboratory, Curitiba, Brazil Aoki et al., 2021
Saliva NA N gene NI No, heated NI 63°C/30 min 78.9%/100% NI 244 Sírio-Libanês Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil Asprino et al., 2020
Nasal NI N gene NI Yes NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/30 min NI 10–7 (equivalent to Ct 34 in RT-PCR) 14 National Medical Center, Republic of Korea Baek et al., 2020
ALERT Nasal, saliva PBS N gene BPIFA1 gene Yes or without extraction (lysate samples) NEB Bst 3.0 and RTx; #M1800 Fluorescence 63°C/45 min 95%/97%–100% 2 copies/μL 47 Hôpital Saint Louis, Paris, France; Pontifica Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile Bektaş et al., 2021
Throat and nasopharyngeal UTM N gene; NI No (lysate samples) NEB #M1800 65°C/30–40 min 71.15%/96.77% (30 min) 76,9%/96/77% (35 or 40 min) NI 180 Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel Ben-Assa et al., 2020
LAMP-OSD Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal and SARS-CoV-2 spiked saliva N gene; ORF1ab (NSP3 and RdRp genes) NI Yes NEB Bst 2.0 polymerase; WarmStart RTx + betaine and additional MgCl2 + FAM Fluorescence 65°C/90 min NI 10 copies/Rx NA NA Bhadra et al., 2021
Cap-iLAMP Gargle lavage NA N gene; ORF1ab No, heated samples NEB #M1800 Color + SYTO9 Fluorescence 65°C/25–30 min 97,1%/ 500 copies/Rx 192 NI Bokelmann et al., 2021
Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal BD UVTM N gene and E gene Human actin B gene Yes NEB #M1800 Color + QuantiFluor (Fluorescence) 65°C/30–40 min 95.6%/99.2% 8 copies/μL 857 New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center, NY, United States Butler et al., 2020
COVID-19-LAMP Nasopharyngeal, sputum, and throat ORF3a, E gene NI Yes NEB colorimetric WarmStart 63°C/60–90 min 98.2%/100% 42 copies/Rx 223 University of Hong Kong Hospital, China Chow et al., 2020
Nasal and oral PBS ORF1a human 18S RNA Yes NEB colorimetric WarmStart 63°C/30 min 93.8%/90.4% 100 copies/Rx up to Ct 35 466 Erasto Gaertner Hospital, Curitiba, PR, Brazil de Oliveira Coelho et al., 2021
Nasopharyngeal SPS N gene and ORF1ab NI Yes NEB Bst 2.0, 3.0, RTx WarmStart +EvaGreen Color and Fluorescence 8.3%–100%/100% 200 copies/Rx University Hospital of Salamanca, Spain García-Bernalt Diego et al., 2021
Nasopharyngeal UTM, VTM or PBS ORF1a NI No NEB #E1700 Fluorescence 63°C/40 min 81%/100% 62.5 copies/μL 137 University of Wisconsin – Madison Hospital and Clinics, United States Dudley et al., 2020
Penn-RAMP RPA+ LAMP Nasal (spiked samples) NA ORF1ab NI NA OptiGene Isothermal Mastermix (ISO-001) + EvaGreen dye Loopamp 2019-SARS-CoV-2 Detection Reagent Kit (Eiken Chemical, Tokyo, Japan) + Leuco Crystal Violet 63°C/50 min 100%/NI 7 copies/Rx NA NA Song et al., 2021
Saliva; throat and nasal VTM N gene NI No, chelating agent treatment NEB Color 65°C/30 min 90%100% 105 copies/mL 62 Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel Flynn et al., 2020
OptiGene COVID-19 RT-LAMP Nasopharyngeal VTM ORF1a NI Yes, also tested without RNA extraction OptiGene GspSSD 2.0 Opti-RT Fluorescence 65°C/20 min 97%/99% 100–200 copies/Rx 196 Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Fowler et al., 2021
Nasopharyngeal VTM ORF1a, ORF8, S and N genes No NEB Bst 2.0 +EvaGreen Fluorescence 65°C/60 min 100%/100% 50 copies/μL 20 OSF Healthcare. Peoria, IL, United States Ganguli et al., 2020
Nasopharyngeal NI N gene NI Yes NEB #M1800 Color +EvaGreen Fluorescence 65°C/50 min NI 625 copies/Rx 14 Hospital Alfa Medical Center, Guadalupe, México González-González et al., 2021
Throat VTM ORF1ab, S gene and N gene Human actin B gene Yes NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/30 min NI 2 copies/25 μL 16 Shenzhen Luohu People’s Hospital in China. Huang et al., 2020
Nasopharyngeal BD UVTM NI NI Yes SARS-CoV-2 detection kit (Eiken Chemical Co.) Turbidimetry Fluorescence 62.5°C/35 min 56.6%/98.4% 6.7 copies/Rx 124 University Hospital, Japan Inaba et al., 2021
Nasopharyngeal NI NI NI Yes Loopamp 2019-SARS-CoV-2 Detection Reagent Kit (Eiken Chemical, Tokyo, Japan) Turbidity 62.5°C/35 min 100%/97.6% 101 copies/μL 76 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan Kitagawa et al., 2020
EasyCOV Saliva VTM NI NI No NEB E1700 + 1 M betaine/fluorescence 65°C/30 min 72.7%/95.7% Equivalent to Ct 35 in RT-PCR 123 Montpellier University Hospital, France L’Helgouach et al., 2020
Saliva Saline N-A gene NI No, heat + Prot. K lysis NEB #M1800 Color 62.5°C/30–60 min NI < 10 copies/μL (200 copies/Rx) 5 Washington University School of Medicine; Barnes-Jewish Hospital; the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences; Tissue Procurement Core, United States Lalli et al., 2021
Throat NI N gene NI Yes NEB Bst 3.0; WarmStart RTx; Q5 HF DNA polymerase Color or fluorescence 62.5°C/30–40 min Sensitivity was 100% for 393 copies/Rx; 80% for 79 copies/Rx and 60% for 16 copies/Rx 118.6 copies/25 μL or 4.7 copies/μL 56 Nantong Third Hospital, China Lu et al., 2020
Nasopharyngeal and throat NI RdRp NI Yes NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/60 min 95.74%/99.95% 25 copies/Rx 2,120 Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Nawattanapaiboon et al., 2021
Nasopharyngeal VTM ORF1ab NI Yes, magnetic bead extraction MicrosensDx RapiPrep 65°C/25 min 80%/100% Not determined 21 National Health Service Care Home, United Kingdom Österdahl et al., 2020
SARS-CoV-2 isolated from MRC-5 infected cells NA NSP3 gene (ORF1ab) S gene; N gene NI Yes NEB Bst 3.0; + SuperScript IV RT Invitrogen + or leuko–crystal violet Color NEB #M1800 + SYTO-9 Fluorescence 69°C or 65°C/30 or 60 min NI 100 copies/Rx or 10–6 RNA dilution NA NA Park et al., 2020
Saliva, nasal and nasopharyngeal Saline ORF1ab (As1/1e); ORF1a-C and N gene NI No NEB #M1800 and #E1700 Color and fluorescence 65°C/30–60 min NI 1 copy/μL NA NA Rabe and Cepko, 2020
LAMP-BEAC Nasopharyngeal and saliva NI E, N genes; Orf1ab (As1/1e); Human statherin mRNA No, TCEP/EDTA and heat treated NEB #E1700 and labmade Bst FL Fluorescence 60°C–65°C/45 min NI More than 100 copies/μL 82 NA Sherrill-Mix et al., 2021a
Nasal and nasopharyngeal Amies medium ORF1a and N gene NI Yes NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/30 min 100%/99.7% up to Ct 25 100 copies/Rx or 4 copies/μL 792 University Hospital Heidelberg and municipal COVID-19 testing station, Germany Thi et al., 2020
Dry swab No, heat treated or directly included in LAMP reaction 65°C/30 min 90.5%/99.5% up to Ct 25 in RT-PCR (hot swab) 343
93.8%/94.1% up to Ct 25 in RT-LAMP (direct swab) 235
One-pot RT-LAMP NA NA N gene NA pUC57-N gene (synthetic) NEB Bst 3.0 DNA/RNA polymerase + EvaGreen +Rox Fluorescence 59°C/50 min NI 6 copies/μL NA NA Wang, 2020
Nasopharyngeal VTM ORF1ab NI No NEB #M1800 Color 63°C/30 min 75%/100% 2.5 copies/uL Spiked samples on VTM 20 Columbia University Irving Medical Center Wei et al., 2021
Respiratory swabs and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid ORF1ab and S gene NI Yes Loopamp? 2019-SARS-CoV-2 Detection Reagent Kit (Eiken Chemical, Tokyo, Japan) Turbidity or fluorescence (+ calcein) 63°C/18–60 min 100%/100% 20–110 copies/Rx 130 PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China Yan et al., 2020
iLACO Respiratory (not detailed) NI ORF1ab NI Yes NEB #M1800 Color 65°C/ ≥20 min 89.9%/NI 10 copies/μL (detection threshold of 60 copies/μL); equivalent to 35–37 Ct in RT-PCR 248 Shenyang province, China Yu et al., 2020
Respiratory swabs (not detailed) VTM N gene and ORF1a NI Yes NEB #M1800 + SYTO-9 Color and fluorescence 65°C/30 min NI 4.8 copies/μL 6 Wuhan Institute of Virology, China Zhang et al., 2020a
Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA NA N gene; E gene and As1e gene (ORF1a) Human actin B gene Yes NEB #M1800 + SYTO-9 Color and fluorescence 65°C/20 min 87.5% 2 copies/μL NA NA Zhang et al., 2020b

NEB #M1800, WarmStart Colorimetric RT-LAMP 2 × Master Mix; NEB #E1700, WarmStart LAMP kit (DNA and RNA); RdRp, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (harbored by ORF1ab SARS-COV-2 genome region); NI, noninformed; NA, not applied; UTM, Universal Transport medium; VTM, viral transport medium, commonly containing, Hank’s balanced salt solution at pH 7.4 containing BSA (1%), amphotericin (15 μg/mL), penicillin G (100 units/mL), and streptomycin (50 μg/mL); Prot K, proteinase K; BD UVTM, Becton–Dickinson Universal Viral Transport Media system; SPS, sample preservation solution; QuantiFluor, Promega system for dsDNA quantification using a DNA intercalating dye; Prot. K, proteinase K; Cps, copies; Rx, reaction; RdRp, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; LoD, limit of detection; and BPIFA1, bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold-containing family A1.

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