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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Dec 2.
Published in final edited form as: Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 2020 Oct 8;293:544–574. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.09.036

Table 1.

Mineralogy of AOAs from Kaba (CV3.1) and DOM 08006 (CO3.01) carbonaceous chondrites

Chondrite AOA name AOA texture fo FeNi Ca-, A1-rich portions LIME o1b 1px
A1-(Ti)-di an sp haloa
Kaba K27 compact + + + + +
DOM 08006 501 pore-rich + + + + + +
DOM 08006 502 pore-rich + + + + + + +
DOM 08006 503 pore-rich + + + + + + +
DOM 08006 505 compact + + + + +
DOM 08006 511 pore-rich + + + + + +
DOM 08006 512 pore-rich + + + + + +
DOM 08006 513 compact + + + + +
DOM 08006 514 pore-rich + + + + +

Diffuse area that appears to be brighter in BSE images than surrounding forsterite. See section 4.1.


Olivine grains with MnO/FeO (wt%) ≥ 1. The MnO/FeO ratios are calculated from SIMS data in Table 4, except for AOA 514.

The MnO/FeO ratios of olivine grains from AOA 514 are calculated from FE-EPMA data due to an absence of SIMS minor element data.

fo = forsterite, FeNi = Fe,Ni-metal and/or weathering products, Al-(Ti)-di = Al-(Ti) diopside, an = anorthite, sp = spinel, LIME ol = LIME olivine, lpx = low-Ca pyroxene