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. 2021 Nov 24;15:11795549211056261. doi: 10.1177/11795549211056261

Table 2.

Laboratorial, electrophysiological, and imaging examinations of ICI–related neurological adverse events in NSCLC.

Reference Age/sex Neurological adverse events EEG/EMG/SFEMG NCS RNS Image examination Antibodies of paraneoplastic neurological syndrome/serum laboratory data CSF test Co-occurring non-neurological irAEs
Abe et al 10 58/M Akathisia NR NR NR Brian MRI: negative Negative for all Negative NO
Richard et al 11 74/M Encephalitis EEG: mild slowing, no evidence of seizure activity NR NR Chest X ray: negative
MRI: not conducted
Not conducted Negative Euthyroid sick syndrome
Nakatani et al 12 73/F Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome NR Low-amplitude CMAP Waning phenomenon in 3 Hz RNS, waxing phenomenon in 10 and 20 Hz RNS Chest CT: right hilar lymphadenopathy, primary tumor in the right lower lobe AChRAbs: negative, anti-P/Q-type VGCC antibody: positive, anti-thyroglobulin antibody: positive Negative Hypothyroidism
Schneider et al 13 78/M Autoimmune encephalitis EEG: moderate background slowing, focal delta slowing over the left temporal region NR NR CT: negative
Brain MRI: negative
Negative for all Reduced level of glucose, elevated lactate: 4.1 mmol/L, protein level: 1027 mg/L, pleocytosis: 16 lymphocytes/µL NO
Leitinger et al 14 67/F Necrotizing encephalopathy EEG: rule out complex-partial status epilepticus, moderate diffuse slowing NR NR MRI: edematous disseminated lesions Negative for all Inflammatory CSF findings and increased IgG level NO
Jacob et al 15 68/F GBS NR NR NR Brain CT: partial response
Spine MRI: negative
NR CSF: no nucleated cells, normal glucose, elevated protein level, albuminocytological dissociation (consistent with a diagnosis of GBS) NO
Läubli et al 16 53/M Cerebral vasculitis/necrotizing encephalitis NR NR NR Brain MRI: new parietotemporal lesion in proximity of the formerly irradiated masses Antibodies against neuronal antigens: negative, anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La antibodies: positive NR NO
Fukumoto et al 17 66/M Acute demyelinating polyneuropathy NR Decreased distal sensory nerve action potentials on median and ulnar nerves, prolonged distal latency NR NR IgM antibodies to GM2 and GalNAc-GD1a: positive, CK: 36 IU/L CSF: 4 leucocytes/μL, protein level: 339 mg/dL NO
Tan et al 18 45/M Myasthenic crisis and myositis NR NR No decremental response Brain MRI: no evidence of stroke or metastasis AChRAbs: 2.00 nmol/L, transaminitis, elevated muscle enzymes NR NO
Chen 19 57/M Myasthenia gravis, myositis, and polyneuropathy EMG: active denervation and myopathic changes in sample muscles, SFEMG over right orbicularis oculi: mean consecutive difference of 74 µs Sensorimotor polyneuropathy of axonal degeneration No decremental response NR AChRAbs: 0.70 nmol/L, CK: 2682 U/L Slightly lower protein level at 13 mg/dL NO
Chen et al 20 65/M Myasthenia gravis EMG: negative Polyneuropathy of median, ulnar, peroneal, tibial, and sural nerves Negative Brain MRI: negative AChRAbs: not detected, CK: 2216 U/L, AST: 153 U/L, ALT: 110 U/L, LDH: 484 U/L, troponin-I: 2.62 ng/mL NR NO
Ong et al 21 68/M Guillain-Barré-like syndrome NR Prolonged tibial motor distal latency, partial conduction block in peroneal motor nerves, sparing of the sural sensory response NR Spine MRI: degenerative changes Paraneoplastic autoantibodies: negative NR NO
Polat et al 22 65/M Myasthenia gravis NR Normal after the treatment of pyridostigmine Normal after the treatment of pyridostigmine MRI: negative
Chest X ray: negative
AChRAbs and anti-MUSK: negative after myasthenia gravis disappear NR NO
Sciacca et al 23 81/M Myasthenia gravis SFEMG over orbicularis oculi: abnormal (mean jitter, 36 µs; 15% pairs with abnormal jitter) NR Negative NR AChRAbs: 0.40 nmol/L, ALT: 296 U/L, AST: 325 U/L NR NO
Hussein et al 24 47/F PRES NR NR NR MRI: PRES NR NR NO
Hibino et al 25 83/M Myasthenia gravis with myositis NR NR Negative Brain MRI and abdominal CT: negative Autoimmune antibodies: negative, CK:4361 IU/L, aldolase: 134.8 IU/L, myoglobin: 4572.0 ng/mL, LDH: 580 IU/L, AST: 269 IU/L, ALT: 222 IU/L NR Myositis and hepatitis.
Mori et al 26 64/M Optic neuritis NR NR NR MRI: high-intensity lesion in left optic nerve NR Protein level: 69 mg/dL Hypopituitarism
Narumi et al 27 75/M NMOSD NR NR NR Spinal MRI: hyperintense lesions between C5-6 and Th12-L1 Paraneoplastic autoantibodies: negative, AQP4 antibody: positive WBC: 1195/µL, protein level: 380.9 mg/dL, glucose concentration: 40 mg/dL NO
Horio et al 28 63/M Trousseau syndrome NR NR NR Brain MRI: intratumor hemorrhage, small infarct near tumor, multiple cerebral infarcts NR NR Brain hemorrhagic infarction
Tan et al 29 66/M Cerebellar ataxia NR NR NR Brain CT: negative
Brain MRI: small vessel disease
Negative Negative NO

Abbreviations: AChRAbs, anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AQP4, aquaporin 4; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CK, creatine kinase; CMAP, compound muscle action potential; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computational tomography; EEG, electroencephalograph; EMG, electromyograph; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MRI, magnetic resonance image; MUSK, muscle-specific tyrosine kinase; NCS, nerve conduction study; NMOSD, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; NR, not reference; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; RNS, repetitive nerve stimulation; SFEMG, single-fiber electromyography; VGCC, voltage-gated calcium channel; WBC, white blood cell.