Respiratory system static compliance (panel A) and oxygenation (panel B). Respiratory system static compliance derived from the pressure-volume curve construction and oxygenation (PaO2) was measured by arterial blood from the left ventricle.
A) Analysis of variance (ANOVA) in sacrifice 6 h experiment p<0.05, Tukey post hoc test; *p<0.05 vs. Healthy; ANOVA in Sacrifice 24 h experiment p<0.01, Tukey post hoc test; *p<0.05 vs. Healthy, °p<0.05 vs. Post-Hex, # p<0.05 vs. Pre-Hex.
B) ANOVA in Sacrifice 6 h experiment p<0.01, Tukey post hoc test; *p<0.01 vs. Vehicle, Post-Hex and Pre-Hex; ANOVA in Sacrifice 24 h experiment p<0.01, Tukey post hoc test; *p<0.01 vs. Vehicle, Post-Hex, and Pre-Hex.
Healthy: no surgical interventions or treatment (n = 5); Vehicle: HCl instillation + vehicle treatment (n = 8); Post-Hex: HCl instillation + Hexarelin treatment (n = 8); Pre-Hex: Hexarelin pretreatment + HCl instillation (n = 8).