The structure
and overall reaction catalyzed by human Mat2A. (A)
The dimeric structure of Mat2A (cartoon representation) with the products
SAM (stick representation, with green carbon atoms) and Pi (sphere representation, with orange phosphorus and red oxygen atoms)
occupying one active site. Mat2A monomers are colored in gray and
wheat. (B) As in panel A, viewed from the allosteric site (90°
rotation) to show the two active sites of the Mat2A homodimer with
one site empty and one site occupied by SAM and Pi. Mat2A
main chains are transparent to clearly show the active sites. Active
site residues are shown with side chains in stick representation with
yellow or pink carbon atoms. (C) As in panel A with Mat2B bound via
its C-terminus to an allosteric site in the Mat2A dimer. Mat2B is
colored in cyan and its C-terminus is red (PDB ID 4KTT).13 (D) The overall reaction catalyzed by Mat2A occurs via
two distinct steps. The first step involves the sulfur atom of l-Met performing a nucleophilic attack on ATP, forming the product
SAM and the intermediate tripolyphosphate (PPPi). The second
step involves the hydrolysis of PPPi that precedes the
release of products SAM, PPi, and Pi.