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. 2021 Dec 2;19(12):e06932. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6932

Table 4.

Identified intrinsic viral hazards in the ELS

Material Characteristics Family Viral hazard Species reported to be affected Reference from the viral hazard identification
Hides and skins Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Orthopoxvirus Cattle Damaso et al. (2000)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Camelpox virus Camelids Otterbein et al. (1996), Balamurugan et al. (2013)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Cutaneous avian poxvirus Poultry Ferreira et al. (2018)
Enveloped DNA Alloherpesviridae Koi herpesvirus Fish Pokorova et al. (2005)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Lumpy skin disease virus Cattle, water buffalo Biosecurity New Zealand (2007), Davies (1991), Carn (1993), Tuppurainen and Oura (2012), Tuppurainen et al. (2017), Abutarbush et al. (2016), Gelaye and Lamien (2019)
Enveloped DNA Herpesviridae Marek's disease virus Chicken Jarosinski et al. (2007)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Myxoma virus Rabbit Meredith (2013)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Orf virus (Parapoxvirus) Sheep, goats Huerter et al. (1991), Haig and Mercer (1998), Haig and McInnes (2002), Lateef et al. (2010), Nandi et al. (2011), Fleming et al. (2015)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Parapoxvirus Deer Ueda et al. (2007)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Sheep poxvirus and Goat poxvirus Sheep, goats Biosecurity New Zealand (2007), Carn (1993), Babiuk et al. (2008), Tuppurainen et al. (2017)
Enveloped RNA Flaviviridae Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (type 2)* Cattle, sheep, pigs Biosecurity New Zealand (2007), Grooms and Keilen (2002), Brodersen (2004), Babiuk et al. (2008)
Enveloped RNA Flaviviridae Classical swine fever virus* Pigs Kaden et al. (2007)
Enveloped RNA Amnoonviridae Tilapia lake virus Fish Behera et al. (2018)
Non‐enveloped DNA Papillomaviridae Bovine papillomavirus Equines, cattle Borzacchiello et al. (2008), Taylor and Haldorson (2013), Trewby et al. (2014), Bocaneti et al. (2016)
Non‐enveloped DNA Papillomaviridae Cottontail rabbit papillomavirus Rabbit Han et al. (1998)
Non‐enveloped RNA Reoviridae Bluetongue virus Sheep, cattle MacLachlan et al. (2009)
Non‐enveloped RNA Picornaviridae Foot and mouth disease virus* Cloven‐hoofed animals Biosecurity New Zealand (2007), Nfon et al. (2008)
Non‐enveloped RNA Picornaviridae Swine vesicular disease virus Pigs Biosecurity New Zealand (2007)
Wool and hair Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Sheep and Goat poxviruses Sheep, goats, Cattle Zhou et al. (2012), Gale et al. (2016)
Enveloped RNA Flaviviridae Bovine viral diarrhoea* virus Cattle Singh et al. (2011), Callan et al. (2002)
Non‐enveloped RNA Picornaviridae Foot and mouth disease* virus Sheep McColl et al. (1995)
Non‐enveloped DNA Parvoviridae Ungulate tetraparvovirus Mule deer Li et al. (2016)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Orf virus (Parapoxvirus) Sheep Fleming et al. (2017)
Enveloped RNA Flaviviridae Border disease virus (BDV) Sheep Kalaiyarasu et al. (2019)
Feathers and down Non‐enveloped DNA Anelloviridae Chicken anaemia virus Poultry Todd (2000), Davidson and Skoda (2005), Hernandez‐Divers et al. (2006)
Non‐enveloped DNA Circoviridae Duck circovirus Duck Liu et al. (2020)
Enveloped RNA Orthomyxoviridae Avian influenza virus* Poultry Kaleta and Hönicke (2004), Hafez (2005), Dudley (2008), Beato et al. (2009), Yamamoto et al. (2010, 2017), Huchzermeyer (1997)
Enveloped RNA Paramyxoviridae Newcastle disease virus* Poultry Hafez (2005), Huchzermeyer (1997), Hernandez‐Divers et al. (2006)
Enveloped DNA Herpesviridae Marek′s disease virus Poultry Couteaudier and Denesvre (2014), Couteaudier et al. (2016), Zhang et al. (2015), Davidson et al. (2005); Denesvre (2013)
Enveloped DNA Poxviridae Fowlpox virus Poultry Davidson and Skoda (2005)
Enveloped RNA Retroviridae Reticuloendotheliosis virus Poultry Davidson and Skoda (2005)
Enveloped RNA Retroviridae Avian leucosis virus Poultry Davidson and Skoda (2005)
Enveloped RNA Flaviviridae West Nile virus Avian carcasses Nemeth et al. (2009)
Pig bristles None reported
Horns, horn products, hooves and hoof products Non‐enveloped RNA Picornaviridae Senecavirus A Pigs, cattle Niedbalski and Fitzner (2019)

viral hazards for which thermal inactivation kinetics or other relevant information was already available (REFRESH study: Hayrapetyan et al., 2019).