Table I.
Description of the used cognitive tests and scoring of the unpublished tests
Subtest name (Reference) | Cognitive function tested | Description and scoring for the unpublished tests (source taken from) | Range of scores (reference value3 (SD)) |
Coding (25) | Psychomotor speed, executive | Matching of simple symbols with corresponding digits according to a given template within 2 min (part of WAIS-III) | Range 1–19 (10 (3)) |
COWAT Test (only F) (26) | Verbal executive ability, mental speed | Finding as many words as possible starting with F, A, or S within 1 min each (26) | Range 0–4 (37.5 (11.4)) |
RAVLT/Immediate Recall (27) | Learning ability | Listening to 15 words 5 times. After each time the person has to name the words he/she recalls (27) | Range 0–60 (51.4 (8.1)) |
RAVLT/Delayed Recall (24) | Verbal memory, retention | As above, but with delayed recall after approximately 30 min (24) | Range 0–15 (11.5 (2.3)) |
RAVLT/Recognition (27) | Verbal memory, recognition | Choosing words which were included earlier from a word list. Done when failed to recall more than 9 words in RAVLT/Delayed Recall (27) | Range 0–15 (14.5 (0.9)) |
BWMT2 | Visual memory, memory for spatial information, working memory | Looking at a picture for 45 s and drawing what he/she recalls immediately afterwards. The picture consists of 9 squares, in each square there is a symbol (letter, figure or other symbol) in different colours. The symbols can be upside down or rotated. Range of scores 0 to 36, 4 for each square 1 point for remembering the symbol, 1 point for putting the symbol to right square, 1 point for the right colour 1 point for turning the symbol right |
Range 0–36 (no reference) |
Prospective Memory2 | Prospective memory | The test taker is asked to write his/her name each time he/she gets a paper/pencil task Maximum score is 10, 2 for each of the 5 paper/pencil tasks 2 points for remembering without prompt 1 point for remembering with prompt |
Range 0–10 (no reference) |
Memory for Names1 (28) | Prospective memory | Delayed recall of a name (part of RBMT) | Range 0–4 (no reference) |
Coding Memory (25) | Incidental learning | Immediate recall of symbols corresponding to digits according to Coding (part of WAIS-III) | Range 0–9 (6.1 (2)) |
Reading Com-prehension2 | Reading comprehension | Reading of a short text for as long he/she considers necessary to recall the text as exactly as possible. Immediate recall (text from RBMT [35)) The text consists of 21 contextually important parts. Maximum score is 21, 1 p. for each contextually important part. | Range 0–21 (no reference) |
Arithmetic (25) | Mathematical ability, working memory | Mental arithmetic (part of WAIS-III) | Range 1–19 (10 (3)) |
Similarities1 (29) | Ability to think in abstract | Similarities of 2 concepts (part of Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA) terms | Range 0–2 (no reference) |
Block Design (25) | Spatial psychomotoric ability, executive | Using coloured cubes the test taker replicates the patterns displayed on a series of test cards (part of WAIS-III) | Range 1–19 (10 (3)) |
Clock1 (29) | Visuospatial/ executive function | Drawing of a clock according to instructions (part of MoCA) | Range 0–5 (no reference) |
Cube1 (29) | Visuospatial/ executive function | The test taker copies a cube (part of MoCA) | Range 0–2 (no reference) |
Information1 (29) | Time orientation, general knowledge | Date of the day, year, etc. (part of MoCA) | Range 0–7 (no reference) |
Perception of Time2 | Time perception | Estimate of the given time to carry out the subtest "Coding" (2 min). The scores are the discrepancy between the perceived time and the real time (in s). | (no reference) |
Subtests taken from MoCA and RMBT.
Tests developed specifically for this study (non-standardized).
Reference values are values for the general population based on group mean age and SD related to the reference values, except Coding, Arithmetic and Block Design, where mean range and reference values are presented by standardized scores, and COWAT Test, where reference values are related to persons with lower education and group mean age.
The upper limit is, how many words with F, A or S the person can say in 1 min.
WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: COWAT: Controlled Oral World Association Test; RAVLT: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; BWMT: Brief Working Memory Test; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; RBMT: Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test.