Fig 2. Tumor control following ILV immunization is mediated by IL12.
(A, B) Mice inoculated with B16 melanoma tumors in their flanks (1E5 cells) were treated with a single shot of ILV/mIL12 (1.5E10 vgs) with or without a mutation in reverse transcriptase machinery (“RT-mut”) that were not capable of expressing the transgene on Day 7. Whole blood was collected retro-orbitally from mice weekly until 21 days post-immunization. Serum was isolated and analyzed for IL12p70 (*p = 0.005) and IFNγ (*p < 0.004, representative data from 3 independent experiments). These assays were run simultaneously with the samples from Fig 1E and 1F and therefore share data for untreated and ILV/mIL12 groups. (C, D) Mice inoculated with B16 melanoma tumors in their flanks were treated with a single shot of ILV/mIL12 or RTmut/mIL12 on Day 7 and tumor growth was monitored (p < 0.0001, n = 8, 1 independent study). Data points and error bars in A, B represent mean and standard error of the mean, respectively. Statistical significance was determine using one-way ANOVA analysis followed by Tukey multiple comparison tests and p < 0.05 was considered significant. Tumor growth plots represent individual mice. Survival benefit was determined using Mantel Cox Log-rank testing where p < 0.05 is considered significant.