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. 2021 Dec 2;16(12):e0260126. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260126

Table 4. Multivariate analysis using generalized estimation equation of factors associated with willingness to participate in HIV vaccine studies, among participants who complete the RV363 study (screening visit and exit visit).

Variables GEE Analysis
aOR (CI 95%) p-valuec)
Age (categorized ref: 18–20 years)
 21–24 years 0.88 (0.41–1.89) 0.743
 25–25 years 0.77 (0.34–1.71) 0.515
Gender (ref: male)
 Female 0.81 (0.42–1.58) 0.545
Age of first sexual intercourse (ref: < 15 years old)
 15–18 years old 1.76 (0.77–4.05) 0.181
 ≥ 18 years 1.32 (0.41–4.21) 0.643
Perceived Risk for HIV infection (ref: No risk)
 Some risk 1.90 (0.99–3.63) 0.053
Which of these sources have you received information about HIV vaccine research?
 Friend/relative 1.61 (0.4–6.44) 0.503
Benefits of participating in Vaccine study (ref: No)
 Learn how to avoid risky behavior 3.33 (1.61–6.86) <0.001
 Feel protected from HIV infection 2.24 (1.07–4.7) 0.032
 Get free HIV counselling and testing 0.62 (0.27–1.44) 0.267
How important are the following factors in making a decision about participating in a research study of an experimental vaccine? (ref: Not Important)
 Helping the community 2.62 (0.55–12.42) 0.225
 Perceive as High-risk person for HIV infection 0.34 (0.06–2.01) 0.236
 Unable to have sex intercourse 3.12 (0.76–12.85) 0.115
 Not being able to contact people 2.17 (0.63–7.42) 0.217

a) Adjusted for age; gender; age of first sexual intercourse; perceived risk for HIV infection; which of these sources have you received information about HIV vaccine research?; benefits of participating in vaccine study; How important are the following factors in making a decision about participating in a research study of an experimental vaccine?

GEE Generalized estimation equation for binary logistic regression for screening and exit visit.

aOR Adjusted Odds Ratio.

CI Confidence Interval.