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. 2021 Nov 19;12:719449. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.719449


Reliability, validity, and descriptive of the measures.

Constructs Items Items Loading Skewness Kurtosis Alpha CR AVE SE_skew SE_Kurt
Intention to Leave ITL1 0.783 −1.3766 2.4867 0.7749 0.8541 0.5946 0.164 0.3266
ITL2 0.828
ITL3 0.724
ITL4 0.746
On-the-job-fit OTJF1 0.852 −1.0434 1.2538 0.7909 0.8746 0.6993 0.164 0.3266
OTJF2 0.854
OTJF3 0.803
On-the-job-link OTJL1 0.802 −0.8708 1.3622 0.7784 0.8042 0.5783 0.164 0.3266
OTJL2 0.736
OTJL3 0.741
On-the-job-sacrifice OTJS1 0.724 −1.0955 1.4048 0.7566 0.8483 0.6522 0.164 0.3266
OTJS2 0.825
OTJS3 0.867
Role Conflict RC1 0.625 −1.6315 2.4645 0.8784 0.8889 0.6184 0.164 0.3266
RC2 0.753
RC3 0.831
RC4 0.865
RC5 0.834
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure