Kindlin-2fl/fl; OsxCremice display multiple striking skeletal abnormalities. (a) Immunofluorescent (20) staining of humeral sections from newborn C57/BL6 mice using antibodies against Osx and Kindlin-2. Scale bar: 50 μm. Higher magnification images (right panels) showing the expression of Kindlin-2 in Osx-expressing cells in primary ossification center (POC). HZ: hypertrophic zone. (b) A schematic diagram illustrating the experimental design. (c) Alizarin red & alcian blue double stain of E17.5 skeletons. Red arrow indicates the unmineralized fontanel in cKO embryos. Scale bar, 0.25 cm (d-e) Calvariae (d) and forelimbs (e) from E17.5 embryos. Higher magnification images (lower panels) showing the scapula (1), humerus (2) and radius (3). Scale bar, 0.25 cm. (f) Representative images of male WT, Het and cKO mice at P13. (g) The growth curve of WT, Het and cKO mice (N = 6 mice per group). Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (s.d.). ∗∗∗P < 0.001. E: embryonic; P: postnatal.