Fig. 1. KSHV transactivator interacts with cellular coactivator complexes with its intrinsically disordered transactivation domain.
a Scheme for Rapid immunoprecipitation Mass spectrometry of Endogenous protein (RIME) assays. Two antibodies anti- Flag (for K-Rta) and anti-RNAPII (POLR2A) were used to identify cellular proteins that exhibited increased interactions with POLR2A during KSHV reactivation. b STRING Interaction map. List of protein names among RNAPII-interacting proteins whose peptide counts were increased >1.5-fold in the presence of K-Rta with p-value <0.05 are plotted with STRING. c Co-immunoprecipitation. KSHV reactivation was induced by inducing exogenous K-Rta expression from a tetracycline-inducible promoter, and immunoprecipitation was performed with anti-K-Rta antibody. The indicated protein was probed for using the corresponding specific antibody. Total cell lysates were used as input control. d Gene ontology of recruited proteins via K-Rta. Protein names were subjected to GO analyses and the six highest protein functions are presented in the table. e Schematic diagram of K-Rta protein domains and intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) plot. Previously published K-Rta-function domains are indicated in the diagram. The transactivation domain, with which K-Rta interacts with the coactivator complex, is marked in magenta. The IDP score was calculated with a web-interface ( and plotted. The K-Rta transactivation domain is located at an intrinsically disordered region (IDR). f K-Rta and mutant transactivation domain sequence. Recombinant GST-protein sequences used for GST-pull down assays are shown. Altered amino acid sequences in the mutant are depicted in the bottom of the panel. g Purified GST-K-Rta deletion proteins and SWI/SNF components used for pull-down. Coomassie staining of SDS-PAGE gels are shown in the left panel. Molecular size marker is indicated left side of gel. h GST-pull down assays. The indicated purified SWI/SNF proteins were mixed and incubated with GST-K-Rta peptides. Immunoblotting with anti-Flag tag antibody was performed to probe interactions.