Fig. 3. Identification of the Pi-responsive element in the MDM2 promoter.
a Truncated Mdm2 promoter constructs were used in the study. b Pi responsiveness of the truncated Mdm2 promoter activity. Note that Pi increased the activity of both the 1.5-kb and 2.9-kb promoters but not of the 1-kb or shorter promoters. c Promoter analysis showing the Pi responsiveness of the Mdm2 promoter with mutation of the MSX binding element (MSXE, −1331 to −1327 bp, shown as a red box in Fig. 3a). d Transfection of either Msx1 or Msx2 activated the wild-type MDM2 promoter but failed to activate the MSXE mutant MDM2 promoter. e Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis. f Promoter analysis. Pi failed to activate the MDM2 promoter in an Msx1- or Msx2-dependent manner. A10 cells were used.