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. 2021 Aug 11;2(4):100153. doi: 10.1016/j.xinn.2021.100153

Figure 3.

Figure 3

NECAT two-step progressive correction and assembly

(A and B) Error correction for nanopore reads, and (C) assembly of nanopore reads. Pale yellow strips represent raw uncorrected reads; pink stripes represent the reads with corrected LERS. Green strips represent the reads with corrected RERS; the red stripes represent the error-prone reads that failed to be corrected. Purple strips represent the contigs. The block boxes in strips indicate errors and the white rectangle in strips is high-error-rate region. The black rectangle in pink strips means the high-error-rate region is shielded from correcting during first correction step. Dotted lines mean overlapping-error-rate threshold used for selecting supporting reads. The pale yellow box between two purple strips means contig bridge selected from raw reads. LR means the targeted long-read that would be corrected.