Brief-access taste testing of Y1R KOs (n = 10; open circles) and WT mice (n = 10; solid circles) in response to (A) sucrose (after water deprivation; p = 0.63), (B) sucrose (after food and water restriction; p = 0.005, interaction), (C) denatonium benzoate (p = 0.006, interaction), (D) NaCl (p = 0.0009), and (E) citric acid (p = 0.50). For mice sampling sucrose after food and water restriction, a “tastant minus licks to water” difference score was derived by taking the mean number of licks to water and subtracting it from the mean number of licks at each concentration. For all other conditions and stimuli, the average number of licks per trial for each concentration was divided by that animal’s average licks per trial to water yielding a tastant/water lick ratio. Data are presented ± SEM. When a significant interaction was observed, stars indicate where that post hoc t-tests determined that a given concentration differed between the experimental groups.