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. 2021 Dec 2;26(48):2001741. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.48.2001741

Table 5. Estimated SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence, by reported experience of COVID-19 symptoms, Dublin and Sligo, Ireland, 22 June–16 July 2020 (n = 33).

COVID-19 symptom level Dublin Sligo
(n = 28)
Weighted prevalence (%) 95% CI Seropositive
(n = 5)
Weighted prevalence (%) 95% CI
Asymptomatic 2 0.55 0.06–2.01 1 0.19 0.003–1.16
Paucisymptomatica 5 2.71 0.86–6.31 1 0.57 0.01–3.13
Consistent with case definitionb 21 7.40 4.55–11.25 3 1.54 0.30–4.53

COVID-19: coronavirus disease; SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

a Individuals who reported at least one symptom but whose symptom(s) was not consistent with the Irish case definition for COVID-19 of the time (Table 1).

b Individuals who reported one of the following: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss sense of smell or taste.

Missing values were regarded as negative for the symptom except for participants for whom no symptom data were available, who were excluded.