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. 2021 Sep 20;10(12):1621–1636. doi: 10.1002/sctm.21-0243


Summary of primary outcomes of included studies

Study Intervention Brain injury (cull time point post‐injury) Motor function outcomes (time point/s post‐injury) Cognitive function outcomes (time point/s post‐injury)
Braccioli 2017 28 NSCs Infarct size: reduced 56 d Cylinder test: improved 28, 56 d
Braccioli 2017 29 NSCs Cylinder test: improved 28 d
NSCs FOXP1 KO Cylinder test: NS
Chau 2014 30 NPCs Forelimb placement test: NS
Comi 2008 31 NSCs after 2 d Infarct size: reduced 28 d
NSCs after 7 d Infarct size: NS
Daadi 2010 32 NSCs Infarct size: NS

Cylinder test: improved 28, 31 d

Rotarod test: improved 30, 32 d

Ji 2015 33 NSCs Infarct size: reduced 43 d

Gait test: improved 6 d

Grid walking test: improved 8 d

Morris water maze: improved 33 d

Social choice test: improved 29 d

Kim 2018 34 OPCs single dose

Cylinder test: improved 23 d

Rotarod test: improved 7, 13, 23, 33 d

Open field test: improved 13, 23, 33 d

Morris water maze: improved 30 d

Passive avoidance test: improved 38 d

OPCs repeated doses

Cylinder test: improved 23 d

Rotarod test: improved 13, 23, 33 d

Open field test: improved 13, 23, 33 d

Morris water maze: improved 30 d

Passive avoidance test: improved 38 d

Li 2015 35 NSCs Morris water maze: improved 29 d
Rumajogee 2018 36 NPCs Hemisphere size: NS

Cylinder test: improved 42, 49, 56, 63, 77 d

Cat walk test: improved 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 77 d

Sato 2008 37 NSPCs Hemisphere size: NS
NSPCs + chABC Hemisphere size: reduced 9 d
Shin 2018 38 NPCs Infarct size: NS Rotarod test: NS
NPCs + scaffold Infarct size: reduced 63 d Rotarod test: improved 84 d
Shinoyama 2013 39 NPCs

Rotarod test: improved 23 d

Beam walking test: improved 23 d

Tan 2014 40 NSCs Holding test: improved 23 d Radial arm test: improved 23 d
NSCs + VEGF Holding test: improved 23 d Radial arm test: improved 23 d
Titomanlio 2011 41 NDPs after 4 h Gray and white matter infarct size: reduced 5 d Open field: NS Novel object recognition test: improved 16, 35 d
NDPs after 72 h Open field: NS Novel object recognition test: improved 16 d
Wang 2014 42 NSCs Infarct size: NS

Cylinder test: NS

Rotarod test: NS

Morris water maze: NS
NSCs + hypothermia Infarct size: reduced 7, 14, 28 d

Cylinder test: NS

Rotarod test: improved 22, 29, 36 d

Morris water maze: improved 57, 169 d
Yao 2016 43 NSCs Attitudinal reflex test: improved 27 d Radial arm test: improved 27 d
NSCs + VEGF Attitudinal reflex test: improved 27 d Radial arm test: improved 27 d
Ye 2018 44 NSCs MAP‐2 volume loss: reduced 35 d

Cylinder test: improved 21, 28, 35 d

Adhesive removal test: improved 35 d

NSCs + bFGF MAP‐2 volume loss: reduced 35 d

Cylinder test: improved 21, 28, 35 d

Adhesive removal test: improved 35 d

Zheng 2012 45 NSCs Foot fault test: improved 17 d T test: improved 17 d
NSCs + VEGF Foot fault test: improved 17 d T test: improved 17 d

Note: Empty cells = did not measure this outcome, improved/reduced = significant improvement or reduction following NSC treatment, compared with the injured control (P < .05).

Abbreviations: bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; chABC, chondroitinase ABC; FOXP1, Forkhead Box P1; KO, knockout; MAP‐2, microtubule‐associated protein 2; NDPs, neurosphere derived precursor cells; NPCs, neural progenitor cells; NS, not significant; NSCs, neural stem cells; NSPCs, neural stem progenitor cells; OPCs, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth fact.