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. 2021 Nov 29;10:e64688. doi: 10.7554/eLife.64688

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Cell line (human) SV-589 PMID:6091915 RRID: CVCL_RW34 SV40 transformed human fibroblasts
Cell line (human) SV-589/PDP1-Myc-FLAG This paper N/A SV-589 cells stably expressing tetracycline-inducible human PDP1-Myc-FLAG
Antibody Anti-SREBP-2 (rabbit polyclonal) PMID:25896350 IgG-22D5 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-UBIAD1 (mouse monoclonal) PMID:29167270 IgG-1H12 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-HMGCR (mouse monoclonal) PMID:22143767 IgG-A9 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-PDP1 (goat polyclonal) Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#SC-163253; RRID:AB_10842717 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-RhoA (mouse monoclonal) Santa Cruz Biotechnology IgG-26C4; Cat#SC-418; RRID:AB_628218 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-Rap1 (mouse monoclonal) Santa Cruz Biotechnology IgG-E6; Cat#SC-398755 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-Cdc42 (mouse monoclonal) Santa Cruz Biotechnology IgG-B8; Cat#SC-8401; RRID:AB_627233 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-Calnexin (rabbit polyclonal) Novus Biologicals Cat#NB100-1965; RRID: AB_10002123 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-LSD-1 (rabbit polyclonal) Cell Signaling Technology Cat#2139; RRID: AB_2070135 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-T7•Tag Antibody (mouse monoclonal) Sigma Millipore IgG2b; Cat#69522; RRID:AB_11211744 (1–5 µg/ml)
Antibody Anti-FLAG M2 (mouse monoclonal) Sigma-Aldrich IgG1; Cat#3165; RRID:AB_262044 (1–5 µg/ml)
 Transfected construct (human) pCMV/TO-PDP1-Myc-FLAG This paper Cat#V102020 Human PDP1-Myc inserted into pCDNA4/TO vector (Thermo Fisher)
Transfected construct (hamster) pCMV-HMGCR (TM1-8)-T7 PMID:12535518 Membrane domain of hamster HMG CoA reductase inserted into pcDNA3
Transfected construct (human) siRNA against PDP1 (PDP1 siRNA-A)GGCGCGAGGUGCUGAUGAAUU Dharmacon/Thermo Fisher Scientific
Transfected construct (human) siRNA against PDP1 (PDP1 siRNA-B)GGCGCGAGGUGCUGAUGAAUU Dharmacon/Thermo Fisher Scientific ON-TARGET plus
Transfected construct (human) siRNA against PDP1 (PDP1 siRNA-C)CGACGUAGCUUUUGGCUUUUU Dharmacon/Thermo Fisher Scientific
Transfected construct (human) siRNA against PDP1 (PDP1 siRNA-D)AGUACAGCAUCGUGGACUAUU Dharmacon/Thermo Fisher Scientific
Transfected construct (human) siRNA against PDP1 (SMARTpool)(PDP1 siRNA-E)GCACAAUGUCACCGACGUA ACAUAAGCUUUCUCGUAUA GUAAACUGAACUUCGAGAA GCCCUGAUGUCGAGGUUA Dharmacon/Thermo Fisher Scientific ON-TARGETplus Human PLPP6 (403313) siRNA
Transfected construct (jellyfish) siRNA against GFPCAGCCACAACGUCUAUAUCUU PMID:24025715
Commercial assay or kit Lipofectamine RNAiMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#13778500
Commercial assay or kit X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent Roche Diagnostics Cat#45274000
Commercial assay or kit Click-IT Protein Reaction Buffer Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#c10276
Commercial assay or kit Novex WedgeWell 4%–20%, Tris-Glycine, 1.0 mm, Mini Protein Gel, 15-well Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#c10276
Chemical compound, drug Cholesterol Sigma-Aldrich Cat#C8667
Chemical compound, drug Azido-geranylgeraniol Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#C10249
Chemical compound, drug Geranylgeraniol Sigma-Aldrich Cat#G3278
Chemical compound, drug Menaquinone-4 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#809,896
Chemical compound, drug Benzonase Nuclease Sigma-Aldrich Cat#E1014-5KU
Chemical compound, drug 25-Hydroxycholesterol Avanti Polar Lipids Cat#700019 P
Chemical compound, drug Trans, trans-farnesol Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 277,541
Chemical compound, drug GGTI-298 Cal Biochem Cat# 345,883
Chemical compound, drug MG-132 Peptides Cat# 12 L-3175-V
Software, algorithm Image J (Fiji) NIH