Table 5.
A summary of investigations examining the relationship between fitness and structural connectivity.
Author, year | Participant | Fitness assessment | Analysis Method | Results | |
n, Subjects | Mean age (year) | ||||
Marks, 2007 | 13 YA and 15 OA | YA: 24±3 OA: 69.6±4.7 | age, sex, BMI, and self-reported PA. | Seven hand drawn ROIs | Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA in UF and CM for OA and YA |
Marks, 2011 | 15 OA | 66±6 | Hand drawn CM ROIs | Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA of left middle cingulum | |
Johnson, 2012 | 26 OA | 64.8±2.8 | , total time on treadmill, 1-min HR recovery | TBSS | Link between ↑ FIT and ↓ RD of the CC |
Liu, 2012 | 9 AC and 6 INAC OA | AC: 62.1±2.6 INAC: 72.3±2.7 |
Automated Voxel-Wise analysis | Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA in tracts connecting prefrontal and parietal brain regions |
Tseng, 2013 | 10 MA and 10 SED OA | MA: 72.2±5.3 SED: 74.5±4.3 |
TBSS | MA > SED OA 1) ↑ FA in R SCR, both sides of SLF, R IFOF, and L ILF 2) ↓ MD of L PTR and L cingulum HIP |
Wang, 2013 | 13 YA EG, 14 YA | EG: 20.5±3.2 YA: 22.3±2.7 |
No information | Tractography, Global and Regional network analysis | 1) ↑ anatomical connection density in sensorimotor, attentional and default mode systems in EG. 2) ↑ FA in bilateral CST of EG. |
Burzynska, 2014 | 88 low fit OA | 65±4 | and 7-day actigraphy data | TBSS | 1) Link between ↑ SED time and ↓ FA of PRHIP WM 2) No link between SC and FIT |
Tian, 2014a | 276 OA | 83±2.7 | 10-year PA history questionnaire | TOIA | No difference in WM tracts between AC and SED groups |
Tian, 2014b | 164 OA | 82.9±2.6 | 400-meter walk test | TOIA | Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA of CM |
Tian, 2015 | 90 OA | 87.4±2.3 | number of steps | TOIA | Link between ↑ PA and ↑ FA in WM frontal and temporal areas 1) Link between ↑ PA and whole brain ↑ FA 2) FA mediates positive relationship between CRF and global cognition |
Hayes, 2015 | 32 YA and 27 OA | YA: 21.1±3.1 OA: 63.4±6.4 | TBSS | ||
Zhu, 2015 | 565 MA | 81.3±2.5 | MDT (5 year prior) | TOIA | Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA (individual tracts not analyzed) |
Oberlin, 2016 | Study 1: 113 OA Study 2: 154 OA |
Study 1: 66.1±5.7 Study 2: 65.6±4.6 |
TBSS | 1) Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA in ACR, AIC, fornix, CM, and CC 2) FA mediated the link between FIT and spatial memory |
Smith, 2016 | 88 OA with APOE-ε4 (LRHP: 21, LRLP: 33, HRHP: 20, HRLP: 14) | LRHP: 76±4.7 LRLP: 73.5±4.7 HRHP: 73.1±4.4 HRLP: 74±4.2 |
SBAS | TBSS | 1) Link between ↑ PA and ↑ FA and ↓ RD in the SLF, SS, GCC, fornix, IC, and CR for APOE-ε4 carriers 2) Opposite trend in APOE-ε4 noncarriers 1) Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA in LF, FOF, and CC 2) Link between ↑ FIT and ↓ MD and RD in LF, FOF, and CC Link between↑ HWT and ↓ whole brain AD and RD and cognition ↑ FA predictive of PA adherence No link between PA and FA or MD 1) ↓ PA ↑ MD of uncinate fasciculus over time Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ whole brain FA ↑ FIT linked to ↑ FA in R CM, HIP, and L CP |
Teixeira, 2016 | 22, OA with aMCI | 68.5 | TBSS | ||
Best, 2017 | 141 OA | 82.5±2.5 | Self-reported 10-year walking time | Whole Brain TOIA | |
Gujral, 2018 | 105 OA | 66.6±5.7 | PASE | TBSS | |
Maltais, 2019 | 277 OA | 74.7 + 3.9 | Self-report questionnaire | TBSS | |
Opel, 2019 | 1048 YA | 28.8±3.7 | 2-min walk test | TBSS | |
Chen, 2020 | 56 OA | 59.1±4.3 | TOIA | ||
Harasym, 2020 | 24 PM women | 59.5±3.5 | TBSS | Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA of S1 1) ↑ PA mediates relationship between ↑ age and ↓ FA in the GCC, UF, and EC 2) ↑ FA of GCC mediated relationship between ↓ age and ↑ RT |
Strömmer, 2020 | 399, YA and OA | Range from 18–87 | Self-reported PA levels | TOIA | |
Wolf, 2020 | 44 OA | 69+7.3 | 7-day actigraphy data | TBSS | 1) No associations between PA and MD or FA 2) Interaction between PA and ↑ age linked to global MD 1) ↑ FA in the GCC, SCR, ACR, AIC, LF, FOF, UF, CM, and fornix in the MA group compared to MS. 2) Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA in both MA and YA groups |
Tarumi 2021 | 30 MT, 30 MS, and YA | YA: 32±6 MT: 54±4 MS: 54±4 |
Notes: OA, older adults; YA, younger adults; AC, active; INAC, inactive; MA, master athletes; MT, middle aged trained, MS, middle aged sedentary, SED, sedentary; EG, elite gymnasts; APOE-ε4, apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele; LRHP, Low Risk (non--APOE-ε4 carrier) High PA; LRLP, Low Risk (non--APOE-ε4 carrier)-Low PA; HRHP, High Risk (APOE-ε4 carrier)-High PA; HRLP, High Risk-Low PA; PM, post-menopausal; TC, Tai Chi group; W, walking group; BMI, body mass index; aMCI, amnestic mild cognitive impairment; PA, physical activity questionnaire; CRF, cardiorespiratory fitness; , maximal oxygen consumption; MDT, maximal duration treadmill test; SBAS, Stanford Brief Activity Survey; PASE, Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly; ROI, region of interest; CM, cingulum; TBSS, tract based spatial statistics; TOIA, tract of Interest analysis; FA, fractional anisotropy; CC, corpus callosum; MD, mean diffusivity; AD, axial diffusivity; RD, radial diffusivity; UF, uncinate fasciculus; R, right; SCR, superior corona radiata; SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; IFOF, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; L, left; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PTR, posterior thalamic radiation; HIP, hippocampus; PRHIP, parahippocampal; WM, white matter; SC, structural connectivity; FIT, fitness; ACR, anterior corona radiata; AIC, anterior internal capsule; CP, cerebral peduncle; SS, sagital stratum; GCC, genu of corpus callosum; IC, internal capsule; CR, corona radiata; LF, longitudinal fasciculus; FOF, fronto-occipital fasciculus; CST, corticospinal tract; HWT, historic walking time; S1, somatosensory region; EC, external capsule; RT, response time.