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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2021 Oct 13;131:923–940. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.10.013

Table 5.

A summary of investigations examining the relationship between fitness and structural connectivity.

Author, year Participant Fitness assessment Analysis Method Results
n, Subjects Mean age (year)
Marks, 2007 13 YA and 15 OA YA: 24±3 OA: 69.6±4.7 age, sex, BMI, and self-reported PA. Seven hand drawn ROIs Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA in UF and CM for OA and YA
Marks, 2011 15 OA 66±6 V˙O2max Hand drawn CM ROIs Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA of left middle cingulum
Johnson, 2012 26 OA 64.8±2.8 V˙O2max, total time on treadmill, 1-min HR recovery TBSS Link between ↑ FIT and ↓ RD of the CC
Liu, 2012 9 AC and 6 INAC OA AC: 62.1±2.6
INAC: 72.3±2.7
V˙O2max Automated Voxel-Wise analysis Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA in tracts connecting prefrontal and parietal
brain regions
Tseng, 2013 10 MA and 10 SED OA MA: 72.2±5.3
SED: 74.5±4.3
1) ↑ FA in R SCR, both sides of SLF, R IFOF, and L ILF
2) ↓ MD of L PTR and L cingulum HIP
Wang, 2013 13 YA EG, 14 YA EG: 20.5±3.2
YA: 22.3±2.7
No information Tractography, Global and Regional network analysis 1) ↑ anatomical connection density in sensorimotor, attentional and default mode systems in EG.
2) ↑ FA in bilateral CST of EG.
Burzynska, 2014 88 low fit OA 65±4 V˙O2max and 7-day actigraphy data TBSS 1) Link between ↑ SED time and ↓ FA of PRHIP WM
2) No link between SC and FIT
Tian, 2014a 276 OA 83±2.7 10-year PA history questionnaire TOIA No difference in WM tracts between AC and SED groups
Tian, 2014b 164 OA 82.9±2.6 400-meter walk test TOIA Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA of CM
Tian, 2015 90 OA 87.4±2.3 number of steps TOIA Link between ↑ PA and ↑ FA in WM frontal and temporal areas
1) Link between ↑ PA and whole brain ↑ FA
2) FA mediates positive relationship between CRF
and global cognition
Hayes, 2015 32 YA and 27 OA YA: 21.1±3.1 OA: 63.4±6.4 V˙O2max TBSS
Zhu, 2015 565 MA 81.3±2.5 MDT (5 year prior) TOIA Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA (individual tracts not
Oberlin, 2016 Study 1: 113 OA
Study 2: 154
Study 1:
66.1±5.7 Study 2:
V˙O2max TBSS 1) Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA in ACR, AIC, fornix, CM, and CC
2) FA mediated the link between FIT and spatial memory
Smith, 2016 88 OA with APOE-ε4 (LRHP: 21, LRLP: 33, HRHP: 20, HRLP: 14) LRHP: 76±4.7
LRLP: 73.5±4.7
HRHP: 73.1±4.4
HRLP: 74±4.2
SBAS TBSS 1) Link between ↑ PA and ↑ FA and ↓ RD in the SLF, SS, GCC, fornix, IC, and CR for APOE-ε4 carriers
2) Opposite trend in APOE-ε4 noncarriers
1) Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA in LF, FOF, and CC
2) Link between ↑ FIT and ↓ MD and RD in LF, FOF, and CC
Link between↑ HWT and ↓ whole brain AD and RD and cognition ↑ FA predictive of PA adherence
No link between PA and FA or MD
1) ↓ PA ↑ MD of uncinate fasciculus over time
Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ whole brain FA ↑
FIT linked to ↑ FA in R CM,
HIP, and L CP
Teixeira, 2016 22, OA with aMCI 68.5 V˙O2max TBSS
Best, 2017 141 OA 82.5±2.5 Self-reported 10-year walking time Whole Brain TOIA
Gujral, 2018 105 OA 66.6±5.7 PASE TBSS
Maltais, 2019 277 OA 74.7 + 3.9 Self-report questionnaire TBSS
Opel, 2019 1048 YA 28.8±3.7 2-min walk test TBSS
Chen, 2020 56 OA 59.1±4.3 V˙O2max TOIA
Harasym, 2020 24 PM women 59.5±3.5 V˙O2max TBSS Link between ↑ CRF and ↑ FA of S1
1) ↑ PA mediates relationship between ↑ age and ↓ FA in the GCC, UF, and EC
2) ↑ FA of GCC mediated relationship between ↓ age and ↑ RT
Strömmer, 2020 399, YA and OA Range from 18–87 Self-reported PA levels TOIA
Wolf, 2020 44 OA 69+7.3 7-day actigraphy data TBSS 1) No associations between PA and MD or FA
2) Interaction between PA and ↑ age linked to global MD
1) ↑ FA in the GCC, SCR, ACR, AIC, LF, FOF, UF, CM, and fornix in the MA group compared to MS.
2) Link between ↑ FIT and ↑ FA in both MA and YA groups
Tarumi 2021 30 MT, 30 MS, and YA YA: 32±6
MT: 54±4
MS: 54±4
V˙O2max TBSS

Notes: OA, older adults; YA, younger adults; AC, active; INAC, inactive; MA, master athletes; MT, middle aged trained, MS, middle aged sedentary, SED, sedentary; EG, elite gymnasts; APOE-ε4, apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele; LRHP, Low Risk (non--APOE-ε4 carrier) High PA; LRLP, Low Risk (non--APOE-ε4 carrier)-Low PA; HRHP, High Risk (APOE-ε4 carrier)-High PA; HRLP, High Risk-Low PA; PM, post-menopausal; TC, Tai Chi group; W, walking group; BMI, body mass index; aMCI, amnestic mild cognitive impairment; PA, physical activity questionnaire; CRF, cardiorespiratory fitness; V˙O2max, maximal oxygen consumption; MDT, maximal duration treadmill test; SBAS, Stanford Brief Activity Survey; PASE, Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly; ROI, region of interest; CM, cingulum; TBSS, tract based spatial statistics; TOIA, tract of Interest analysis; FA, fractional anisotropy; CC, corpus callosum; MD, mean diffusivity; AD, axial diffusivity; RD, radial diffusivity; UF, uncinate fasciculus; R, right; SCR, superior corona radiata; SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; IFOF, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; L, left; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PTR, posterior thalamic radiation; HIP, hippocampus; PRHIP, parahippocampal; WM, white matter; SC, structural connectivity; FIT, fitness; ACR, anterior corona radiata; AIC, anterior internal capsule; CP, cerebral peduncle; SS, sagital stratum; GCC, genu of corpus callosum; IC, internal capsule; CR, corona radiata; LF, longitudinal fasciculus; FOF, fronto-occipital fasciculus; CST, corticospinal tract; HWT, historic walking time; S1, somatosensory region; EC, external capsule; RT, response time.