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. 2021 Dec 4;16:501. doi: 10.1186/s13023-021-02118-3

Table 1.

Components of the DAS-II and VABS-II assessment tools

Composite scores

GCA (overall score of cognitive performance)

  Derived from verbal and non-verbal cluster scores (all), and spatial cluster score (upper EYa and SA only)

SNC (similar to GCA but does not include verbal tests)

ABC (overall score of adaptive behavioral ability)

  Derived from all four domains for patients aged < 7 years and from three domains (motor skills excluded) for patients aged ≥ 7 years

Cluster/domain scores and component subtest/subdomain scores


  Verbal comprehension (EY)

  Naming vocabulary (EY)

  Word definitions (SA)

  Verbal similarities (SA)


  Picture similarities (EY)

  Matrices (EY and SA)

  Sequential and quantitative reasoning (SA)


  Copying (EY)

  Pattern construction (EY and SA)

  Recall of designs (SA)





Daily living skills





  Interpersonal relationships

  Play and leisure time

  Coping skills

Motor skills



Normative mean (SD)b

Composite and cluster scores: 100 (15)c

Subtest scores: 50 (10)d

ABC and domain scores: 100 (15)

Subdomain scores: 15 (3)

ABC Adaptive Behavior Composite; DAS-II Differential Ability Scales, second edition; EY early years (2 years 6 months–6 years 11 months); GCA General Conceptual Ability; SA school age (7 years–17 years 11 months); SD standard deviation; SNC Special Nonverbal Composite; VABS-II Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, second edition

aThe DAS-II early years test battery comprises a lower level for children aged 2 years 6 months to 3 years 5 months and an upper level for those aged 3 years 6 months to 6 years 11 months

bDAS-II composite/cluster scores and subtest scores are normed on different scales and ABC/domain scores and subdomain scores are also normed on different scales

cComposite scores were the sums of subtest T scores normed; cluster scores were the sum of two normalized subtest T scores

dNormalized T scores were used for all subtest scores