Table 1.
Components of the DAS-II and VABS-II assessment tools
Composite scores |
GCA (overall score of cognitive performance) Derived from verbal and non-verbal cluster scores (all), and spatial cluster score (upper EYa and SA only) SNC (similar to GCA but does not include verbal tests) |
ABC (overall score of adaptive behavioral ability) Derived from all four domains for patients aged < 7 years and from three domains (motor skills excluded) for patients aged ≥ 7 years |
Cluster/domain scores and component subtest/subdomain scores |
Verbal Verbal comprehension (EY) Naming vocabulary (EY) Word definitions (SA) Verbal similarities (SA) Non-verbal Picture similarities (EY) Matrices (EY and SA) Sequential and quantitative reasoning (SA) Spatial Copying (EY) Pattern construction (EY and SA) Recall of designs (SA) |
Communication Receptive Expressive Written Daily living skills Personal Domestic Community Socialization Interpersonal relationships Play and leisure time Coping skills Motor skills Gross Fine |
Normative mean (SD)b |
Composite and cluster scores: 100 (15)c Subtest scores: 50 (10)d |
ABC and domain scores: 100 (15) Subdomain scores: 15 (3) |
ABC Adaptive Behavior Composite; DAS-II Differential Ability Scales, second edition; EY early years (2 years 6 months–6 years 11 months); GCA General Conceptual Ability; SA school age (7 years–17 years 11 months); SD standard deviation; SNC Special Nonverbal Composite; VABS-II Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, second edition
aThe DAS-II early years test battery comprises a lower level for children aged 2 years 6 months to 3 years 5 months and an upper level for those aged 3 years 6 months to 6 years 11 months
bDAS-II composite/cluster scores and subtest scores are normed on different scales and ABC/domain scores and subdomain scores are also normed on different scales
cComposite scores were the sums of subtest T scores normed; cluster scores were the sum of two normalized subtest T scores
dNormalized T scores were used for all subtest scores