Figure 3: Depletion of Tet2 in donor VSMCs exacerbates pathologic vascular remodeling in GA due to medial cell loss.
Control and TET2-deficient thoracic aorta segments from male donor mice were transplanted into sex-mismatched recipients of the same strain. A) Elastin Von-Geisson (EVG) staining of control (Ctrl=Tet2FFMyh11-Cre, vehicle-treated; N=6) or TET2-deficient (Tet2FFMyh11-Cre, tamoxifen-treated; N=7) grafts 28 days after surgery; graphs show associated quantitation of intima:media ratio, intima area, and media area. B) The Tet2 floxed-Cre strain was bred to the Rosa26-mTmG reporter line. Micrographs of GFP fluorescence and ACTA2 immunostaining in littermate Tet2++mTmGmut+Myh11-Cre (Ctrl; N=7) and Tet2FFmTmGmut+Myh11-Cre (iKO; N=5) grafts 28 days after surgery (red bars indicate medial layer); graphs show associated quantitation of intima:media ratio, intima area, media area, and percent GFP-positive (%GFP+) area in the intima-media combined region. Student’s t test: *P<0.05, **P<0.01.