Fig. 2.
a Schematic diagram of the fabrication process of the 3D honeycomb fabric. b–c Schematic diagram of the 3D honeycomb fabric and yarn after PDDA/MXene coating. d Schematic diagram of the interactions between MXene and the fibers. e Digital images of the flexible MXene/3D honeycomb fabric (length, 30 cm; width, 10 cm). f TEM image and the Tyndall effect of MXene. g HRTEM image of MXene. h AFM image of MXene. i SEM images of pristine and MXene/3D honeycomb fabrics. j EDS elemental mapping of C, O, Ti, and F in the MXene/3D honeycomb fabric. k XRD mapping of MXene, the MXene/3D honeycomb and pristine 3D honeycomb fabrics